Get 30% off on ebay


Local time
10:20 PM
Nov 19, 2006
Others have posted here about Microsoft's Live Search cashback program. Basically, you search for something on and buy using paypal and you get a certain percentage back after a 60 day wait. It works. I've used it now for several purchases.

Well, the percent cashback varies from time to time and also depending on where you purchase. It tells you the percent you're earning up front. The max refund always seems to be $200 no matter the percentage you're getting. When I bought my M8 it was 8% on ebay, and I saved $200.

Well, now on ebay the value is 30%. So you can buy something that's $666 and you get $200 off. That's huge. It only works for buy it now stuff.

Just go to, search for anything that gets you a link at the top to ebay. I search Leica MP. Then once you're within ebay, you can search for anything. As long as you buy within an hour, you'll get the reward. It's a bit of a hassle to sign up for the account and wait the 60 days, but it works.

Not sure how long the 30% will last. I've seen 17%, 20%, 8% over the past month or so.
Since Friday, I have now used it three times, for an average cashback of $100 on each purchase. Nice! If your looking for a nice tripod, ReallyBigCameras is where I've been shopping (|66:2|65:10|240:1318&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14). If you email Kerry at ReallyBigCameras, he can put together a special listing that you can find with Live Search. You then get the 30% off. This is where I got started: Note that his email address is really "[email protected]".
Others have posted here about Microsoft's Live Search cashback program. Basically, you search for something on and buy using paypal and you get a certain percentage back after a 60 day wait. It works. I've used it now for several purchases.

Well, the percent cashback varies from time to time and also depending on where you purchase. It tells you the percent you're earning up front. The max refund always seems to be $200 no matter the percentage you're getting. When I bought my M8 it was 8% on ebay, and I saved $200.

Well, now on ebay the value is 30%. So you can buy something that's $666 and you get $200 off. That's huge. It only works for buy it now stuff.

Just go to, search for anything that gets you a link at the top to ebay. I search Leica MP. Then once you're within ebay, you can search for anything. As long as you buy within an hour, you'll get the reward. It's a bit of a hassle to sign up for the account and wait the 60 days, but it works.

Not sure how long the 30% will last. I've seen 17%, 20%, 8% over the past month or so.

I've been trying for a while now to get it to work for me, but it appears that it won't work when you have a British IP address.

Anyone wanting to set me up with a shell account that I can port through to a proxy with will be very welcome :)

It's back at 20%. Damn. Wish I had known that earlier. I would have purchased either an M8 or the CV 35 f1.2 lens. Damnit.
That's a good one! :D

It's a shame that those outside the US of A can't take advantage of the offer. Oh well..


We need to get some IP proxying going, I will happily proxy into the UK or Other european countries for anyone who needs it.

It's back at 20%. Damn. Wish I had known that earlier. I would have purchased either an M8 or the CV 35 f1.2 lens. Damnit.

20% vs 30% won't matter for an M8. The max bonus is $200. I bought my M8 when it was 8%, and even that is more than $200.

For the 35/1.2, you probably could have saved some more with 30%
Alright... how does the cashback work? Is it applied when you purchase or you get funds after a while? As a check, or on your Paypal account?

BTW, I just registered myself.

After you pay for your purchase via PayPal, you will receive a notification in your eBay account inbox notifying you of pending cashback. You have the option of payment into your PayPal account, bank account or payment via check. Your cashback is redeemable after a period of sixty days has elapsed. Be sure to thoroughly read the program description and requirements, but actually, it's a pretty straightforward deal and a good bargain to boot!
Yes I have used it and have received $600 back total. You have to wait 60 days before they transfer it... I used it when it was 25% and bought Biogon. Ebay was also offering an instant 10% off so over all a great deal.
Yes I have used it and have received $600 back total. You have to wait 60 days before they transfer it... I used it when it was 25% and bought Biogon. Ebay was also offering an instant 10% off so over all a great deal.

The cash back amount still says 30%. I showed this to a friend who noticed that it says "May" receive 30%.

Is this foolproof?
Got the savings... thanks.

Got the savings... thanks.

Thank you for posting the Microsoft savings idea. I used it today to purchase a $485 camera for $340. Much appreciated! :)
Where does the refund come from?

Where does the refund come from?

Aside from the possibility that its part of the Treasury's bailout package... does anyone know who's providing the refund money? Is it Microsoft, the merchant, eBay, PayPal... or some combination of these? Just curious who our benefactor :angel: is.