Leica Nex adapters - novo vs foto vs voigtlander


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12:14 PM
Mar 1, 2011
Don't know which one to choose.

Novoflex at $270
Fotoflex at $20-40
Voigtlander at $170

I am leaning toward Novoflex solely based on "logic" of more expensive the better.

Any thoughts or any used few of them?
I have bought three adapters for the NEX - Leica M; Nikon F and Canon FD. All were the cheap versions priced around $20, including at least one or more fotoflex.l All work perfectly.

At first the Leica M one was slightly loose when a M lens was mounted on it but I noticed that there were two slits behind the face of the adapter where the M lens bears on the adapter. By inserting a small bladed jewellers screwdriver in the slits and bending ithem out ever so slightly this made the M lens and adapter mate perfectly tightly. The slits were obviously designed for this purpose. Although this sounds rough and ready it works fine and so far I have had not a problem. The o0thers did not require this treatment.

I would find it hard to justify a couple of hundred bucks (against perhaps a tenth of that) on an adapter. And I am quite picky with gear (as most Leica owners tend to be) - easily dissatisfied with anything that is shoddy in design or manufacture. So far I can say all the adapters I have bought are reasonable quality and give little to complain about subject to the above minor issue.
Sorry, but I have to ask why pay 290$ for metal tube if you cam have it for 29$? I have only used cheap adaptes for nex but I was werry satisfied.
The age old argument is about tolerances and cheap adaptors. Your adapter has to be the perfect size and consistent all the way around.

Of course that's not to say that the cheaper ones aren't (i have many cheaper adapters which seem to work fine). I would find it difficult to justify $200 odd for a piece of metal.

It might be cheaper to buy a calliper measuring tool and some adapters and see for yourself whether the tolerances are accurate enough.

I would find it hard to justify a couple of hundred bucks (against perhaps a tenth of that) on an adapter.

Agreed. All my plain adapters are of the generic cheap kind. Having tried some less affordable ones, I strongly suspect that most share an origin on the same lathe, regardless of price. Much of the latter is due to differences in the distribution chain - mail order in generic cardboard straight from China is hard to beat.

Complex adapters with additional mechanics are a different matter, I had to pay close to two hundred for the Nikon RF/Contax to Nex one, with helical. And there are hypothetical complex adapters I'd pay no less for - namely Nikon G with proper aperture scale and Contax G with smooth focusing that doesn't feel like a cheap wind-up toy. But even the high price makers don't do either.
the Voigtländer and Novoflex are the best, I have both.
The Novoflex is even more precise and I read it uses steel springs, etc. and is built to last even longer.

The Kipons are ok with little play, the cheap chinese ones I tried are a bit more crude (could scratch the mounts) and the lenses focus over infinity by too far a margin.

I'd chose the Novoflex again (and will do exactly that for all adapters I need for the GXR).
I have <$40 adapters for F-mount (with tripod mount and allows G lenses), and FD (metal mount).

For the M mount adapter, I have a Hawk Pen Helicoid adapter for $180 - definitely worth the money since it is more than just a simple adapter - it decreases your minimum focusing distance.
from the outside, the metabones appears to be well made, that is until you open it. Mine has a poor quality screw, it broke into half when I was tightening it after dissembly, I used minimal force and it broke. This is the first time this sort of thing happened to me. lesson learnt, you got what you paid.

None of these compare to the Hawk adapter which has a helical for close focusing. Turns the normally 'close focus challenged' RF lenses into near macro territory.
and I also dislike the way the leaf spring is made, 3 separate parts, rather than the complete ring. perhaps that is what they meant by cost cutting.


I have already ordered the novoflex some time ago, and with euro exchange rate so low, it makes even more sense to order novoflex.

frankly I am also interested to see if Really Right Stuff is interested to enter this market, or maybe they are not interested to invest in the tooling to make them. Their quick release stuff is superb.
Don't know which one to choose.

Novoflex at $270
Fotoflex at $20-40
Voigtlander at $170

I am leaning toward Novoflex solely based on "logic" of more expensive the better.

Any thoughts or any used few of them?

Just so you know.

Fotoflex makes a PRO version for $70. It's the best! Find it on Amazon
I own and use the Novoflex adapters for Leica M and Nikon F. They are beautifully made but expensive. At the time there were no alternatives.

To be honest, I am HIGHLY sceptical of expensive adapters and would buy cheap ones today. Although LTM to M adapters are mechanically much simpler, I can't understand why Voigtlander would ask around 55 euros for one, while a no brand one costs less than half that. I use several of the cheap ones and they have never given me grief.
I've been using a cheap adapter on my NEX.

For M mount no problem.

My Rokkors fare less well.
There's play in the mount and even when locked I can twist the lens past the lock quite easily.
Focussing is a pain that way.

I'm picking up a Novolflex this week and hop that solves this issue.
Just got my Novoflex for rokkor to Nex.:)

Wow what a difference.
It may be twice as expensive but...
No wobbles, everything is locked solid.
The whole thing is machined beautifully.

And as an added bonus IQ is up.
So the tolerances on my cheaper brand adapter are less "tight".
Not jut a spot in focus but the whole plane. Yay :D
I have a Voitgländer M to Nex adapter and its tolerances are not enough for my 15 mm Heliar LTM (plus additional LTM to M adapter), which I can focus beyond infinity.

At first I thought it was the LTM to M adpater, but the problem also shows up on my M-mount lenses. It is only less severe on the others because longer focal lengths demand less flange distance accuracy.

Not a big thing (as it's erring on the safe side), but I'm wondering whether a cheap adapter would have made things so much worse...