photos with a Balda ...


somewhat colored
Local time
7:25 PM
Dec 15, 2011
I've been itching to take the old Balda (1955ish Baldix 6x6 folder) for a walk since it arrived, finally had a chance to do so over the weekend.

I loaded it with Fuji Acros 100 for testing. I made a loading mistake this first time which cost me one frame out of the twelve. I know what I did wrong so I'll not do that one again. :)

Otherwise, the camera performed very nicely other than for opening it. The lens standard mechanism is sticky and I think there's something slightly out of alignment in it. It opens and snaps into place properly, eventually, but it takes a lot of careful fussing to make that happen. I'll bring it by the camera repair shop and see what Fred can do to massage it. Otherwise, the lens seems good, the shutter seems pretty accurate and the images have that lovely vintage look to them ... I felt good about posting a few:

All six are available to see on Flickr, here's a slide show:

Thanks for looking! Comments are always appreciated.

Godfrey -
Godfrey, back to film?? I have the cheapy Hapo 66e and it is great; my favorite folder. Nice shots (I looked at Flickr, too), I hope you continue to like it. I'm thinking of really being daring and taking mine to Puerto Vallarta his Winter.
Godfrey, back to film?? I have the cheapy Hapo 66e and it is great; my favorite folder. Nice shots (I looked at Flickr, too), I hope you continue to like it. I'm thinking of really being daring and taking mine to Puerto Vallarta his Winter.

Thanks for looking!

The processing and scanning workflow precludes doing too much with the Balda as it takes a lot of time to scan 6x6 with my current setup. But I do still love the look of it. The Baldix was inexpensive ... If I can get the folding mechanism working well for a modest amount of money, I'll enjoy myself shooting with it once in a while.

I looked up the Hapo 66e ... looks almost identical to the Baldix!

Dunno ... If this proves to draw me in and produce a lot of great photos, I could see spending the dosh for a Fuji GF670 or Voigtlander Bessa III. I have no issues with film other than the time it takes, but eh? what price Art? :)

I like the second shot...

Welcome to the world of folders. MF folders is the main reason I still use b&w film... I have never used a Balda...

Cameras like the Voitglander Perkeo are so small once folded, u can put them into the back pocket of your jeans :) and it is 6x6.

Have fun with it and good luck with your strut problem...
Loved my Hapo with the Enna Werke lens..

Loved my Hapo with the Enna Werke lens..

Godfrey, back to film?? I have the cheapy Hapo 66e and it is great; my favorite folder. Nice shots (I looked at Flickr, too), I hope you continue to like it. I'm thinking of really being daring and taking mine to Puerto Vallarta his Winter.

Such a nice 66 folder in so many respects. Made by Balda for the Hans Porscht department store chain and branded thus. Great lens for B/W and excellent non coupled rangefinder. Only old folder with double shot prevention and film count stop that ever worked reliably for me.

Bought it from Certo6.

Unfortunately sold it before the love sank in. Look back at those pictures and weep!!!

Godfrey!!! I downloaded your images to see how really sharp they were. Very good!
Godfrey, I agree film takes time. Kuzano, I've used mine with color E-6 and C-41. And the lens I have in mine works fine. You better email Certo6 and see if he has one for sale.
Well, I dropped the Baldix off for a service. Probably see it around the end of October. Nice to bring these fine old cams back to life... :)
Picked up at the post office this morning: a Voigtländer Perkeo II. My gosh, this camera is superb.

First, it's in super beautiful condition. It has been a one-owner camera since new in 1953.

Second, compared to the Balda Baldix, it is more ruggedly built and feels more solid and precise. It also seems just a little bit more compact than the Baldix.

Everything on the Perkeo works with silky smooth precision. The shutter is smooth and sounds great from 1 s to 1/500 s. The focusing is smooth and clean, the film wind is too. Can't wait to see how the Color Skopar 80mm compares to the Baltar.

I've become re-addicted to 6x6. Sigh.
Everything on the Perkeo works with silky smooth precision. The shutter is smooth and sounds great from 1 s to 1/500 s. The focusing is smooth and clean, the film wind is too. Can't wait to see how the Color Skopar 80mm compares to the Baltar.

I've become re-addicted to 6x6. Sigh.

the skopar (4element) is the top of the line for the Perkeo line.. Vaskar is the normal lens on this camera...

color skopar... 80mm Perkeo I

color skopar... 80mm Perkeo I

Occasional find of the Perkeo I with the upgrade (top) lens.

BMW 635



Not as sharp as rendered by the lens, because of the inability of this web site to show a sharp image on posting... repeated "whines" by me on this.

I see a marked difference in sharpness viewing images on the site and when I save them to my computer, which I just verified one more time.

Download image and it will be sharper on your computer... right click and save image to your computer. I have done this repeatedly with mine and other peoples images and always seen a sharper image.

Why I don't post to the gallery here.

I understand that most of the Perkeo II models have the Color Skopar. Sure looks like a decent lens! I'm going to have a lot of fun shooting with this puppy.

I understand that most of the Perkeo II models have the Color Skopar. Sure looks like a decent lens! I'm going to have a lot of fun shooting with this puppy.

Vaskar was norm on Perkeo I. Skopar is usually found on the II and iie (sometimes also known as IIi). I have all three perkeos. I have heard that Vaskar can be seen and the Perkeo II, but I have not seen one yet.

The Vaskar is a pretty good triplet.

Regards the Balda Baldix:

I just heard from my friend Fred, the tech who is taking care of it for me. He's got it all apart and is cleaning, lubricating and adjusting everything.

"It's in very good condition overall, mechanically speaking. The lubricant was long gone and there was dirt everywhere mucking things up. The bellows are fine. It'll be good as new when I'm finished: I'll have it done next week sometime, most likely."

He estimated $160 or so. I didn't pay much for the camera to begin with, so it's quite worth it. :)
Godfrey, back to film?? I have the cheapy Hapo 66e and it is great; my favorite folder. Nice shots (I looked at Flickr, too), I hope you continue to like it. I'm thinking of really being daring and taking mine to Puerto Vallarta his Winter.

I've got one of those somewhere around here. Balda made
some good stuff. Here's a photo from the Hapo:

From the archives (2006). by sandersnyc, on Flickr
I do own and use lots of folders, with regard to Balda I am selling a Hapo 66E with the f/3.5 Haponar (most frequently it can be found with the f/4.5 version) which is not bad at all (but I have better 6x6 MF folders, so...).


My favorite Balda is the Super Pontura, a unit focusing, coupled RF 6x9 folder with, in the case of my camera, a nice SK Xenar (I am quite partial to Schneider lenses) but can be found with Tessar, Trioplan and others.


Nice to see some more folder fans and photos! Thanks for posting! You're inspiring me to load up the Perkeo or Bessa today.

The Pontura looks interesting too, but I'm sticking with 6x6 ... for now at least.
The Baldix is back from the shop today. Fred did a marvelous job of it: It feels slick and new like. Can't wait to put a roll of film through it. :)