x100 PP question...

1. Aperture 3.0

2. RAW only, all the time.

3. Silver Efex Pro 2 is regularly used on my end, but I also use Color Efex Pro as well.


1-Upgrading my Macs OS as we speak.
2-So I can down load Aperture. I had the trial of LR but I can not seem to warm up to Adobe LR's user interface (same as when I tried PS Elements)
3- When thats done I will down load Silver Efex. I will look into Color Efex after I get my hands around Aperture/Silver Efex..... Thank you and to all of the interesting/educational discussion on the subject.... loving the x100 and looking forward to creating a workflow- thanx. go Yanks (sry I had to throw in a little baseball in the mix)!
All- So upgraded Mac to Mountain lion- downloaded Aperture and played around (like it a lot more than Lightroom) bought & downloaded Silver Efex which I really like.... Thanks everyone...
So how goes? I would have suggested aperture for you as well since you are also on a mac and for $79 it is hard to beat. I use it as well and like it. Have been doing so for over a year.

I hope a week in you are enjoying it and that it compliments your work.
So how goes? I would have suggested aperture for you as well since you are also on a mac and for $79 it is hard to beat. I use it as well and like it. Have been doing so for over a year.

I hope a week in you are enjoying it and that it compliments your work.

Jon- Thanks for the follow up. Yes- liking it very much. At first I thought I must be missing something. For me, the user interaction is so much more logical than LR and much more user friendly. It also works with Silver Efex nicely. I am still trying to see the value of RAW versus OOC JPEG. The X100 OOC JPEGS need very little PP so I have to shoot more in both to see why a lot of users swear by RAW only. I know there is 2 camps of jpeg vs. raw and vice versa. I do understand the longer term value of being to re-think the PP differently if you wanted to. The other add in from Nik I want to trial is Color Efex Pro 4. I really need to spend time to get good at PP in general. I would like to play around with a bleach bypass process. Do you know if Aperture has hat feature in it?..... Thanks again-dan
Deciding factor

Deciding factor

Since it was introduced I had admired the X100, mostly for its similarity to film cameras I love.
However the look of the JPGs coming right from the camera is what convinced me to buy one.

J... I am still trying to see the value of RAW versus OOC JPEG. The X100 OOC JPEGS need very little PP so I have to shoot more in both to see why a lot of users swear by RAW only. ...

JPEGs use lossy compression. Anytime you open a JPEG and then resave, regardless of how small or large the alterations are, the new JPEG is recompressed and the flaws created by the lossy compression increase. Multiple edit sessions compound the issue.

OOC JPEGs can be excellent, but they should be left unedited if you want the best possible quality. If you are only making small prints or only downsampling for web display you probably can't detect the loss even after several edits. If you print the way I do at work (our "medium" size print is 20x30" and we more often print "large" at 29x44" or "extreme" at 38x60") you can't tolerate even the slightest image degradation.

If you must edit OOC JPEGs you should not resave them as JPEGs. Save the edited file in a format without lossy compression (PSD, TIFF, ...). Then, at least, the image only suffers once from the JPEG compression when the camera converted the RAW it shot to a JPEG for the memory card.
U can use a non-destructive photo editing program like Aperture. It never changes the original. Instead it keeps a database of the changes u made to the file and applies those changes dynamically when u are viewing that file. The side effect of this type of SW is that it takes slightly longer to c the modified picture. It will only create a changed file when u go thru the export process.

This gets around the re-save issue associated w/ jpgs, until u do an export. If your choice is jpg that is.

I use Aperture and Silver Efex Pro 2 to process my mostly RAW files, but every once and a while, I'll use the RAW button and have the X100 generate a .jpg, if I think it'll bring something to the party.

I think it's a fantastic combination.
1. Aperture

2. I shoot RAW, but sometimes I use raw+jpeg, when I'm mostly shooting snapshots on a day out. If I do come across something that fits into one of my projects I still have the raw, for the 'family stuff' I can just as well use the easy jpegs that take up less space on my hdd. I usually don't bother post-processing that kind of stuff anyway, so optimized jpegs are more useful then.
I try to get the photo as close to perfect as possible exposure and white balance-wise, but white balance doesn't always go well. In those cases having the raw is nice, too, even for the 'family snapshot'.

3. I've tried the trial but wasn't totally convinced.. got better results with my usual b&w processing in Aperture. I need to check it out again, I think I missed something there. There must be more to it. I hope. :)
Silver Efex Pro 2 has all sorts of goodness, but you do have to poke around in it for a while to find it. But when you do, WOW! It's stellar.
All -thanks for your updates and I am really glad to hear that you share the same opinion of I regarding Aperture....Also- i love the raw vs. OOC JPEG debate. i think of it as a church & state topic debate... any opinions of Color Efex pro4? Thank you and have a good weekend-
1. Lightroom
2. I switch to RAW only in tricky lighting (multiple source with mixed colour temperature) or when shooting above ISO 1600. Otherwise I find OOC JPEG perfect!
3. not very often as I don't shoot so much B&W
Not much new to add, but I find that the X100 JPGs need much less post processing than JPGs from any other camera that I've ever owned. I'll switch between RAW and JPG depending on what is needed for the situation, but honestly, I mostly shoot JPG with this camera.

If you are looking for a decent B/W converter for PS, try Topaz Labs B/W Effects. It isn't expensive and you can try before you buy.
to those who use LR4, is there a LR provided 'Lens Correction' setting for the x100? ive heard allusions to it, but i cant even find 'Fuji' as a listed camera in LR...
1-Can anyone touch on what you are using for PP software with the x100?
- Photoshop CS 5.

2-Your impression of the debate of shooting RAW versus OOC JPEG post processing
- RAW all the way.

3-Last- any of you using Siver Efex Pro for additional B&W?
- Yes. Silver Efex Pro 2 and I love it! The only B&W tool I use.
to those who use LR4, is there a LR provided 'Lens Correction' setting for the x100? ive heard allusions to it, but i cant even find 'Fuji' as a listed camera in LR...

That's strange... it's been in LR for over a year now... I wonder why there isn't anything for the X-Pro1.