I'm back and I've fixed some Soviet rangefinders, J-9 question.


Local time
4:55 PM
Mar 11, 2011
Been away a while and found a Kiev 4, Zorki-4 and FED-2 and 5c over the years and fixed all of them. The 5c had rattled everything loose and needed an RF cal and a bunch of loose screws tightened. The FED-2 needed the same and its shutter speeds were off so I CLA'd it myself, all is now well.

The Zorki-4, had a sticky RF lever inside the camera, I pulled the top off and fixed it, cal'd the RF though the vertical is still off a tad, and the Kiev has been a labor of love with a comparator adjust, leatherette replacement (soon) and it's Helios-103 losing the aperture screw inside which I was able to open up and adjust.

Now I have moved onto a Jupiter-9 85 f/2 that doesn't appear to show proper alignment no matter what RF camera I put it on, this is a weird one.

I can put a piece of tape up to the film plane and it appears to be in focus when checked against a digital camera (Nikon Df) and it's shimmed properly and the red dot on the aperture scale lines up with the top of the camera. The base that it screws into doesn't, it's to my left a full 90 degrees and through the VF on any camera I put it on, it's off in the RF patch. Negatives show the same thing, with images showing in focus on the RF being OOF on the negative.

I have narrowed it down to the base, does anyone have a J-9 LTM that has a junk optical group and a good base?