M-Less for the first time in 12 years.


Enjoy Life.
Local time
8:11 AM
Jan 5, 2005
Well, my equipment culling has relieved me of my last Leica M camera, the M5. For now I am going to lean heavily on my Contax G system and my Nikon SLRs & DSLRs, as well as some trick little digital street sleepers.

I must say that it's a strange feeling as my heart really is in the Leica rangefinder camp. Finances dictated a change so it's done. I think my only real regrets involve selling my MP3, M8 and M7 .85. All were superb shooters and the MP3 is something I never should have let go, for many reasons. In terms of lenses the Noct was a lovely unique lens, the Hektor 73/1.9 something that was magic on digital. I do miss them.

Anyway, when I start feeling bad about saying goodbye to gear I am reminded of a friend who had an incredible 911 Turbo when he was just out of college. The car was amazing and certainly a "ladies magnet". One day, very matter-of-factly he told me he was selling it. I started to protest, saying "how could you???" when he said "My Dad taught me that things are just metal, plastic and glass, they're not important. They come and go". It made an impression on me to this day.

I still have great tools to make photos I love. Things come and go.

They come and go.
I just sold my last m6. It was the first Leica I bought. I still have my lenses but I'll be ok with my gr1v and yeshica t4 for the moment.
Though i leave in a few hours without my lovely Leicas, on a very long journey, i would hate to sell my Leicas.I will be using only point and shoot digital compacts. A Leica is like no other camera. My Nikon/Pentax/Canon/Minolta are wonderful.They are not Leica.
The Leica is the one camera seemingly made for a photographer. They are not perfect, neither am I. One simply becomes part and in partnership with a great tool. Their use very limited. Again like myself, how many meals can i eat at a single sitting? Hopefully the new owners will use them more, appreciate their virtues and understand the foibles..
A shortage of money a dreaded moment. In my darkest times, i never considered selling! Never!
Time for a new avatar. . . .

Particularly if a M5 was the last Leica.

That's actually my M7 I sold a few months back. Had the chance to buy it back but the timing wasn't right for me. Superb camera.
Recently sold off my M4, my one and only Leica M body.
Yes, it's a struggle to part with it but it is a liberating feeling.
Still have the lenses though but not in a hurry to sell.
I prefer to keep pictures, not cameras.
I don't believe in an indispensable camera that would never be sold.

The good thing is i now use what is available.
I am not sure when I will get another M body.
Probably soon, maybe not.

Yes, things come and go.

No big deal.
The day that I will have to let everything rangefinder go is coming. My parents need a little financial help at the moment.

M8.2, M6, Summicron 28/2 asph, M-Hexanon 50/2, Canon 35/2 ltm. I will buy a film SLR and a couple of lenses instead. Nikon FM2 or Canon F-1. Hope I will be just as happy.
A Leica is a beautifully built, efficient tool. I've always thought a photographer should own one at some point.

While I tend to see the way an SLR sees, so prefer them for most photography, there are just some things an RF seems the best solution for.

When Leica stepped into the digital world, some of that advantage was lost, IMHO; but, a film Leica remains a remarkable tool. The M5, in particular.
Not the best feeling, isn't it, to have to sell our beloved possession due to financial reasons. When I went thru the same thing, what brought me up was the fact that I still have the friends that I made along the journey, supportive ones, even ones that have to went thru far worse, which makes us thankful in a way. I wish us all beautiful photos to make and to keep.

Have fun!
Excellent points all. There are certainly far worse things than having to ditch some gear.

On the bright side I did just stumble upon my long missing VC Meter II in black, it had been hiding in my bag that used to house a lovely Nikon SP. Very happy to have found it.

One other bright spot... A package did arrive today from Adorama. With all this selling craziness I had to plow just a small portion of the recent proceeds into something that put a smile on my face. It's my little Secret Weapon for the Decisive Challenge this weekend. A fresh piece of gear always energizes me a little, makes me think a bit more and really concentrate.

Still having fun :)

Not the best feeling, isn't it, to have to sell our beloved possession due to financial reasons. When I went thru the same thing, what brought me up was the fact that I still have the friends that I made along the journey, supportive ones, even ones that have to went thru far worse, which makes us thankful in a way. I wish us all beautiful photos to make and to keep.

Have fun!