G2 with 580 EXII


Local time
5:21 PM
Jan 23, 2010
I recently got a G2 and took my first roll of test shots using the TLA200 which wasn't very consistent in flash output. It did get me thinking to my Canon 580 XII and whether it's possible to use with the G2? I know under custom setting on the 580 EXII I can set it to TTL, yet when I tried it seems in the viewfinder that the G2 doesn't register the flash (doesn't have the little flash symbol). I'm just trying to find a way to save on batteries instead of just using the CR2's which I know will have to be replaced quite often.

Also when shooting at ISO400, on a 45mm with the TLA 200 at 45, shooting with f/5.6 on AUTO, will the flash be increased with the compensation dial? Seems to be conflicting views of this on the net...

Thanks in advance!
I recently got a G2 and took my first roll of test shots using the TLA200 which wasn't very consistent in flash output. It did get me thinking to my Canon 580 XII and whether it's possible to use with the G2? I know under custom setting on the 580 EXII I can set it to TTL,

Which would be Canon TTL - useless on any other brand camera. There never was a cross-manufacturer standard for TTL, and digital cameras don't even do classic OTF TTL any more, so that many recent flashes won't even work with the same manufacturers film bodies. None work on another brand camera (if we exclude licensed systems like the Nikon derived Fujis or dual brand manufacturers Konica/Minolta). A couple of third party flash makers have/had flashes that could be set to two or three standards (among Nikon/Canon/Minolta/Pentax - no smaller brands supported there), and there were a couple of adapter foot systems (among which SCA is the only affordable one widespread enough that you'll still find spare feet for another camera).

If the Canon cannot be set to non-TTL automatic or manual, it is entirely useless, as it positively cannot be used in any TTL mode on a non Canon camera. You need a Contax TTL flash (all Contax TTL flashes will do, as they never switched to another system), or a SCA flash with Contax foot SCA382 (the old 381 will not do).

I'd recommend getting a used Contax TLA30 or TLA280. Both are excellent compact and powerful flashes, and tend to be extremely affordable on auction sites and camera fairs.

Hi there Sevo,

Ahh that makes sense now. Thank you for taking the time out to explain. Will go Ebay-ing for them now :)
If the Canon cannot be set to non-TTL automatic or manual, it is entirely useless, as it positively cannot be used in any TTL mode on a non Canon camera.

Of course you can use the 580 in manual mode. But what is a non-TTL automatic?
Of course you can use the 580 in manual mode.

Good, if you can confirm it, or rather, that it works on other brand bodies. Many, if not most recent flashes are host camera tied even in their A and M modes as some or all parameters cannot be set on the flash itself any more (crippling whenever ISO, aperture or reflector zoom are among them).

But what is a non-TTL automatic?

Reflected light sensor on flash. That used to be the common type of automatic flash until the mid to late eighties...
Well I just tried (because I'm new to G2) a straight on flash shot into meter and at ISO200 on the 45mm standing about 2 feet away reading f/16.3 and then when I changed the compensation to +1 with the same aperture and ISO is went to f/22.2 so that cleared up something.

Secondly I tried the 580 EXII on the G2 with changes in Custom Functions to TTL and then to Manual and both times it will flash but just won't register at 1/60 like it would normally with the TLA200. Also I tried it with wireless triggers as mentioned above with same results.

Secondly I tried the 580 EXII on the G2 with changes in Custom Functions to TTL and then to Manual and both times it will flash but just won't register at 1/60 like it would normally with the TLA200. Also I tried it with wireless triggers as mentioned above with same results.

Whatever you mean with "won't register at 1/60" :confused:

If you use it in manual mode it flashes full power or less if you dial it down manually to 1/2, 1/4 or whatever you want. And it does not react on the camera because that is what ETTL is for (which works in combination with a Canon camera).
Whatever you mean with "won't register at 1/60" :confused:

Sorry I probably didn't make sense there. When I have the TLA200 turned on, in the viewfinder there will be a little flash icon to the left and the speed is set then at 1/60. With the 580 connected both of these things don't happen. I think next week I'm going to try shooting with just the TLA200, set at 1/125th and do some meter readings with a +1 or so exposure compensation. (trying to get some over-exposure on shots.) I did do a roll just set at f/5.6 with ISO400 on AUTO with the 45mm and got the shot below that I was happy with. Just trying to get more of a consistency with the flashed shots.

I think it will be better when you use a flash that works together with the camera. Especially when you use film and have no chance to look at the histogram between shots, you need a lot of experience what manual settings to use.