If you want to insult me...

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Wow... you'd figure this stuff would only happen on forums run by youngsters like myself. It's kinda sad to realize that some people (even adults and whatnot) are just so silly that they'll go to such lengths as to sending anonymous hate mail to forum members and threaten to have them banned. It just seems a little childish to me.

But then again, it could be worse. I can't play an online video game now without witnessing a conversation between two users dissing each other about their mothers, race, and sexual orientation. I can't visit ThePhotoForum without witnessing people providing "construct criticism" that's condescending and rude.

Makes me pity the people who get so worked up about something someone said online that they'd go to such lengths to get back at people. Anyway, whatever the issue is, I feel like it'd probably be best not to become "troll food" as us teens like to call it. Best of luck, and keep posting!
Probably has something to do with the stalker from Canada. I ignore him & haven't been to his website in months. Got tired of cleaning my computer from the spyware crap after going there. Threads like this just add fuel to these type of people. They feed off of it. Thats why I said it was nonsense to start a thread like this.

But Roger I can understand why you did it. If everything is out in the open to the forum then the culprits involved wont have a leg to stand on.

Well, here's some real hate mail for you Roger. I hate it that you haven't updated "Short Schrift" since May. I check it every week because I like what you write and you've let me down badly, old chum. (Retires, grumbling).
I'm sorry to hear about the idiot, Roger. For some reason, I never imagined that anyone would go after you in this fashion. What you write about has to do with art, and how to improve one's craft. It isn't politics (at least I don't think it is...), but what do I know?

Anyway, I hope your day wasn't ruined by it, and I agree with you that who knows what the hater will do? Take care of yourself, and wish Frances all the best.

With best regards, from a fan,

I suspect 'we' is very much one person and the fact the mods won't do anything suggests that reason has already cast its verdict. I see no reason why Stephen would arrive at a different conclusion and that the coward is trying to bluff you into self-imposed exile. As for sparks flying and you being disgraced, they have to put themselves (and their usernames) forward for sparks to fly and any kind of public discussion, so....

I say let him/her go to Stephen. I doubt they have the guts to do so with their own usernames and if they choose to do anonymously, I cannot imagine they will get the slightest consideration. The only reason I can think of for them to go to you repeatedly demanding that you change your behaviour is simply because they know they are not on solid ground. Nobody with a strong argument and conviction would bother doing that, they'd go straight down the route of getting you banned once direct discussions failed. Why would they appeal to your better judgment for your sake.

The problem with gutless wonders like this is that they don't realise that everything they do and say will reek of their own cowardice until they stop being a coward. Funny, that....

Nobody has to agree with you and everyone has the right to disagree in the strongest terms if they wish. Your contributions here and elsewhere are unquestionably immense and I for one enjoy a good debate that challenges boundaries. Without a little discomfort now and again its hard to know if we truly live.
Roger, I can't begin to tell you how much I was influenced by and learned from your classic camera column in Shutterbug magazine. Meeting you and Francis in person a few years ago was an honour and a treat.
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There are more than a few who have a childish need to control everything they are involved with. Having been entangled with one myself I can only tell you what worked for me- ignoring him and letting any memory of him float away. Count me among those who are glad to see your contributions here Roger.
Yuck. Ignore it Roger; it's not worth your time and energy.

It might not always seem like it ( :) ), but I'm happy you are around, and in particular enjoy when you share your film experience.


You have always been very generous with your knowledge.
I for one appreciate your presence and continuous input!!!!!
I, and obviously lots of others, appreciate you being here. It's noteworthily gutless to do that sort of thing anonymously.

Roger, I can't begin to tell you how much I was influenced by and learned from your classic camera column in Shutterbug magazine. Meeting you and Francis in person a few years ago was an honour and a treat.
True, true, and true; I haven't met Rodger but he has helped me sooooo much. Francis has too, and delightfully in a different way. Shutterbug is my go to publication. I really don't think you realize the number of people that never contribute to this forum (RFF) that read your incites and never let you know what you have given to their knowledge. R&F, please my best to you.

Thank you, Carter
Roger--I can't understand why you are even bothering with this.
It's not like you have committed some grievous error--you are a pretty straight shooter and seem to be a good kid!! :)
Relax and the wierdo will simply disappear into the nothingness from which he came..
Internet forum or not, this is just part of human interaction , unfortunate and unnecessary.
Roger, people with opinions are always far more interesting than those without .
Those who feel that a vindictive response will win on points, well, they never do.
Do, it was a super trip with great company and I am very glad I drove from N Wales to be there!

I`d wish I`d know .
I`d have been tempted to join you .
To see the show but also to thank Roger in person for all the sound advice that he`s shared with us over the years.
I guess its one thing to say that this sort of puerile behavior is best ignored but I`d be pretty mad too if I were him.
Roger--I can't understand why you are even bothering with this.
It's not like you have committed some grievous error--you are a pretty straight shooter and seem to be a good kid!! :)
Relax and the wierdo will simply disappear into the nothingness from which he came..

Dear Paul,

I've been wondering myself. What was I expecting when I started this thread? Given the numerous kind messages of support, it may have looked as if I was fishing for compliments, but that wasn't it.

Really, all I'd thought of doing was confronting the twerp who sent the message. Elsewhere in the letter he refers to both the Facebook and Olympus disputes, so he's either still on the forum or has only recently left. My message was essentially, "Go on then. Try to make trouble. But do it honestly, on open forum or at least in a PM (which I can foward), so that the mods can see what sort of person you are, and decide which of us they'd rather have on the forum."

It's all a bit of a joke, really. He even used one of my own pseudonyms to sign the letter. Years ago, I wrote a piece of flat-fee flim-flam called "Mafia: A Chilling History" or something like that, under the condition that my name didn't appear on it: not an uncommon thing for freelance writers to do to earn a few bob. The editors chose the name "Joe Dorigo," which was the name the poison-pen fellow used. the letter itself is just solid low-grade nastiness: ass others have pointed out, "hate" isn't really the word.

But once again, thanks for all the support. And the reason I've not updated Short Schrift is that I've been working on an e-book, Black and White Step by Step, whch is exactly what it says, with (for example) step by step pics of how to load a spiral (plastic and stainless, 120 and 35mm), what a film looks like when it's developing, and lots, lots more. But I'll try and get some more Short Schrifts sorted soon.

Thanks to everyone,


Not quite sure how you can "be disgraced" for anything you've posted here, Roger.
Having opinions and the knowledge & experience to have earned them deserves respect in my world. Although, calling this knucklehead a "toad" might be insulting...to toads.
We all grow older but some refuse to grow up.
Have a better day,
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