Retire the T3? Pulled the trigger on an RX100


Local time
3:11 AM
Jan 13, 2009
I love my Contax T3...a lot...but the film workflow is slowing down what's supposed to be a fast, free shooting style.

I ordered a Sony RX100 from I've been contemplating this purchase for a month or two now.

The tipping point (the same reason I got the T3 when I was shooting Leica M6) was a recent trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with my Fuji X100. It was dangling around my neck from it's strap while walking along the quay and it was EXTREMELY uncomfortable from a security standpoint. I know better than wearing a camera like this in Rio de Janeiro, but never had a problem in the Caribbean...but much like my experience shooting the M6 in Mexico City, I needed a smaller shooter to avoid identifying myself as the next theft victim.

Since I see a lot of third-world cities, I plan on using the RX100 as a primary street and travel camera. If I plan to go into the country, I'll bring more photographically suitable equipment.

The right tool for the right job.

Oh...ordered the Franiec grip too.
First off, congrats. Seems like a great P&S camera. However, this camera is surely something theives would like as well no? I get that it won't be on constant display, but still. I guess you have to use something though. :) Good luck and be careful.
I'd have to say, one of the biggest deterrents to theft that I can think of is a film camera. Don't you know film is dead? Those things are worthless!

Pretty funny.

Thieves are pretty much "smash 'n grab" so I'm under the impression if they see a camera, they don't look for the make or model.

The cool thing about a compact (T3 or RX100) is you can take a few shots and slip it in your pocket (I have cargo pants and cargo shorts when I'm abroad). I got my best shots in Hispaniola with my iPhone 5!!! Small, subtle, fairly quick to access and shoot, then it disappears into your pocket.

So, ordinarily I'd just take the T3 along (which I was going to do after this particular me a slow learner), but something in the back of my mind keeps me from shooting with abandon. No, it's not $$, it's the nagging thought of scanning so many images! So, the RX100 is the new travel snap shooter...which is NOT to say I won't be making thoughtful images...I'll just experiment and shoot a bit more loosely now.
The Sony is a wonderful camera. Really a favorite of mine with a good combination of portability, image quality and speed. As you already know there is no viewfinder, but the LCD is a beauty. Enjoy it.... Looking forward to the results.
well, as a brazilian that lives in Sao Paulo I can tell you that at least around here a digital compact is much more interesting to thieves than an odd looking "non pro" camera. so in that sense it'd be only making you feel less of a target, but actually enhancing your targetness.

from a practical point of view though a compact with zoom that will fit a jeans pocket and have great higher iso IQ is much welcome. I got an RX100 recently and it's quite a great little camera. i usually shoot with my rangefinders and my x100 in the streets though and never ever had any trouble.

edit: also, since you NEED the lcd screen to be on with the RX100, it will bring more attention to you than the X100, which can be used with the LCD screen turned off an look like a film camera. I was walking down the streets another day with the RX100 turned on in my hand and it annoyed me. I wouldnt use it for street, really... keep it for casual snaps.
Yes, David — as "umcelinho" says, the RX1 will be no less of a target than any other camera. In Rio, the brand isn't an issue. The type of camera isn't an issue. You simply don't want to show anything unless you are VERY aware of/familiar with your surroundings at that moment. In 25+ visits, I know i can take ANY camera — i've used Leica, Rolleiflex, Hasselblads, Mamiyas, Canons, Nikons, Contax, etc. — in Rio, on the streets, on the beach. But, I'm aware when i can pull it out, and when to put it away.

The T3, ironically, is probably one of the better options for Rio. It's small, pocketable, and about as inconspicuous as possible. In the palm, it's either invisible or not too different from a phone if no one's looking critically. The RX1 is certainly larger, and has the screen to give away that it's a modern digital. And, without a viewfinder, to use it, you'll have it extended from your face/body, which is more demonstrative.
I bought Canon 110HS last week instead of RXxx, few hundred bucks cheaper. I figure if the usage is only to take snap shoot, the 16mp Canon is equally impressive and functional as RX. If I do try serious snaps, I always carry a film body with me.
I've been thinking about the RX1 as a 'replacement' for my T3. Don't think I'd retire the T3. I wanna use that till it or I are dead.
Or you could go opposite theory and get a Pentax 67 :D....

RX100 is a fantastic camera, though yes it may be a theft item in an area as you describe, you can always conceal it in the pocket. I think sometimes phones are easier targets as they're so identifiable these days.. unless you have a Windows phone ;)
Lots of interesting thoughts in this thread.

From my own experience, and this includes visiting, though not living, in many countries on three continents plus the Caribbean frequently, a camera is a camera, and looks like a camera. Cellphones are pretty ubiquitous these days...everyone has one.

An RX100, which is really just a lazy replacement for my T3, will maximize my photo opportunities, while being small enough to slip into a pocket and "disappear" much like a cellphone does. I've NEVER had a problem, or felt threatened, using my iPhone for photography on the street in places like Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, or pubs in Europe. Based upon the same principle, pulling out a compact camera, taking a shot, and then slipping it back into the pocket is about the same. There is no bag, no neck or shoulder's just more stealthy overall.

Yes, I agree that any shiny digital object will be bait for theft...but minimizing the visibility is my preferred method.

Back to the RX100...I don't intend to use it for only "happy snaps"...I'd like to use it as a serious camera. I'm going to challenge myself to treat it as such. My T3, which I love and will keep, is a serious camera in my mind because of that oh-so-wonderful Zeiss 35/2.8 Sonnar. So an RX100, with a Zeiss zoom, should be able to return a similar look (similar, not exactly, for obvious reasons about focal length, film, etc). When I shoot the T3 during the day it's usually stopped down quite a bit anyway (with 400 film), so DoF isn't a big player...but in low light, I may be better off with the Sony.

They're all tradeoffs. I'd like to think I can enjoy a bit of travel photography with a digicam like I would with a larger-bodied camera. Even though I enjoy the experience of a traditional camera for photography, what good is it if I won't shoot because I feel too self-conscious?
Or you could go opposite theory and get a Pentax 67 :D....

RX100 is a fantastic camera, though yes it may be a theft item in an area as you describe, you can always conceal it in the pocket. I think sometimes phones are easier targets as they're so identifiable these days.. unless you have a Windows phone ;)

Haha! Nobody would want to steal that thing...or just go 8x10 to prevent thievery...

I love my Contax T3...a lot...but the film workflow is slowing down what's supposed to be a fast, free shooting style.

I ordered a Sony RX100 from I've been contemplating this purchase for a month or two now.

The tipping point (the same reason I got the T3 when I was shooting Leica M6) was a recent trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with my Fuji X100. It was dangling around my neck from it's strap while walking along the quay and it was EXTREMELY uncomfortable from a security standpoint. I know better than wearing a camera like this in Rio de Janeiro, but never had a problem in the Caribbean...but much like my experience shooting the M6 in Mexico City, I needed a smaller shooter to avoid identifying myself as the next theft victim.

Since I see a lot of third-world cities, I plan on using the RX100 as a primary street and travel camera. If I plan to go into the country, I'll bring more photographically suitable equipment.

The right tool for the right job.

Oh...ordered the Franiec grip too.

I'm watching you!

KEEP the T3! Step away from the T3!

Use BOTH :)
T3 is safe, Bob! I've got a pile of film here that needs shooting.

I think it's going to be b&w-only, though...every C41 place I've gone to scratches the hell out of my negatives, and the Plustek, while super-sharp, has a terrible ICE program.
On the subject of Rio and the RX100. Walked around Santa Teresa with the Sony on a neckstrap and got no grief nor did I feel i was walking into a dangerous situation. Would not do that after dark is some of the seedier areas, but as you say, the RX can easily slip into a pocket when the scenery becomes less savory.

Here are a few RX100 shots from Rio, and from Niteroi (across the bay).

[/url] 170 by kafe-pic, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] 174 by kafe-pic, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] 166 by kafe-pic, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] 155 by kafe-pic, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] 179 by kafe-pic, on Flickr[/IMG]
I was walking down the streets another day with the RX100 turned on in my hand and it annoyed me. I wouldnt use it for street, really... keep it for casual snaps.
Don't agree with this at all. I just walk around with the camera in my hand with the screen facing in to my palm. It's small and discrete for Street use ...
