Yashica newbie


Local time
8:46 AM
Jun 4, 2012
Hi all,

I've recently branched out from the fsu rangefinders. I happen to chance upon a yashica electro 35 GSN for less than $24 in a local thrift store. The shuttering aperture seems to work, and the focus seems alright. I bought it straight without even checking with battery. I managed to fashion a makeshift battery adapter out of some hose and aluminum foils. Tested it with 4 LR44 batteries and it worked!! My first ever Yashica Rangefinder! I've shot a roll with this baby, and I absolutely LOVE it! It's simple and logical design is just perfect

There is a little weird problem though. When the meter shows "slow" in the viewfinder, both "over" and "slow" light up on the top plate. Is this normal? I don't think it's a huge problem, but it's a little annoying to me. Any way to get around this?

I also noticed that there's a smudge inside the lens. My gut tells me it's fungus. Should I attempt removing the lens elements to have a clearer look?

Every GS i've ever seen makes cool noises when it lights up over and or under, I don't think it's an issue but someone more versed may disagree.

Also I tried taking apart the lens once and ended in fury and sadness. If you have proper tools and courage then it may not be so bad. I just remember reading about having to dismember the entire camera to get inside it. If it's on the rear element, or front element it may not be so bad.
There is a little weird problem though. When the meter shows "slow" in the viewfinder, both "over" and "slow" light up on the top plate. Is this normal?

The indicator in the viewfinder is the same lamp you see on the top plate so it's not really possible for both lamps to be on on the top plate and not show in the viewfinder.

Probably cause of what you're seeing is the piece of foam that normally sits between the two lamps to stop the light from one spilling over into the other. The foam perishes and the light from one lamp will illuminate both red and yellow filters. Easy to fix if you're prepared to pop the top plate.
The problem with the top lights is as mentioned, they are separated by a small piece of rubber foam, and this foam tends to dry up and turn to dust. You can replace the foam by removing the top cover, you'll need a pointed spanner to remove the winding lever nut and the screw which holds on the ASA dial, a Phillips screwdriver will do the rest. Start by removing the battery check panel and red button, and set the ASA dial to 1000, remove the wind lever, ASA dial, and the three screws which hold on the top cover. Lift off the cover. You can pop off the thin metal cover over the rangefinder and clean all the glass with cotton swabs. Clean out the inside windows in the top cover. Glue the metal cover back in place. You can then replace the foam between the meter lights, and around the rewind knob shaft, then put the top cover back on.

To clean the lens you need to remove the lens face plate retaining ring with a pointed spanner, then let the face plate fall out. The front lens group can be removed with the same spanner, the spot should be on the rear outside of the lens group. Set the camera to B and the aperture to f/1.7, hold down the shutter button, and clean the inside of the rear element while the shutter is open. Be careful to get all the dust out when you reassemble the lens.
Thanks for the replies! Glad to know there's nothing wrong with the electronics. I wouldn't dare touching any of the electronics in there.

I have taken out the top plate before and it seemed rather simple. I used 2 thumb tacks to remove both the film advance and iso ring (left some scratches thought). The dust seal seemed to disintegrate right after I opened the top plate. Any idea what materials I should use to replace both the dust seal and as a divider for the LEDs?

I wouldn't want to invest in a lens spanner for now. I won't be overhauling lenses all the time. Any suggestions on opening the lens without lens spanner?
Thanks for the replies! Glad to know there's nothing wrong with the electronics. I wouldn't dare touching any of the electronics in there.

I have taken out the top plate before and it seemed rather simple. I used 2 thumb tacks to remove both the film advance and iso ring (left some scratches thought). The dust seal seemed to disintegrate right after I opened the top plate. Any idea what materials I should use to replace both the dust seal and as a divider for the LEDs?

I wouldn't want to invest in a lens spanner for now. I won't be overhauling lenses all the time. Any suggestions on opening the lens without lens spanner?

If you can't find adhesive backed rubber foam, you can cut pieces of felt or thick wool material from an old coat or hat, and glue them in place with contact cement. For the winding lever and ASA screw, you can use a pair of sharp pointed tweezers.

You might be able to use a compass (the triangular thing which holds a pencil to draw perfect circles) with a pen. Clean the filter ring threads with a tootbrush so the ring threads out easily. You can remove the front lens elements with long needle nose pliers. Be careful not to scratch anything, it helps to put tape over anything you don't want scratched
I also noticed that there's a smudge inside the lens. My gut tells me it's fungus.

Usually fungus will not have a noticeable effect on your pictures, unless it is a massive growth. If your pictures were acceptable, I wouldn't worry too much about it. ;)
