Leica M-M at the National Poultry Show (...Theft At The Chicken Festival)

Peter David Grant

Local time
1:31 AM
Feb 4, 2011
Hi all.

I visited the National Poultry Show which took place on the 17th and 18th of November, where 6700 types of Poultry were categorised and scored, culminating in the Show Champion.

The show is run annually by The Poultry Club of Great Britain, which was founded in 1877 to safeguard the interests of all pure and traditional breeds of poultry.

Below are five of my favorites.






Not knowing what to expect, I went with an open mind and filled it with;

#The judging process
#Thoughts on Nazi concentration camps and
#Chicken theft

I've got a full write up on my blog with more pictures, along with an explanation of the title 'Theft At The Chicken Festival'.


Thanks, and I hope you enjoy my pictures and words.

Good photos and I enjoyed your thoughts about the show as well.

Any chicken on offer at the food court/snack bar? :)

Ha. Indeed there was!

One of the guys I was with was midway through eating an egg sandwich, when he hears an old man declare that he had just seen the most amazing large black cock. He nearly chocked.

Sadly I couldn't find anyone eating chicken while wondering around.

Froozen and Rob, Thanks to you both for looking and taking the time to reply here.
Thanks! Great pix and a great story.
A look at something I'd never have seen otherwise.
Thanks again!
Interesting story. So how much post-production was involved in the final look of the shots? What ISO are you shooting at here? Reason I ask is that in a couple of the shots (specifically #2 and #5 in this thread), the shadows appear to be really blocked up, and it's a bit tough to see what's going on in those dark areas. The geese's heads, for example, almost disappear into the background, same with #5 in the judges' heads. However, it could be my monitor settings causing this!
Just checked on another monitor that I have, and they look much better, so maybe it's just the monitor settings on my other computer.
Air Frog, thanks for looking and commenting.

Paul, I am glad you enjoyed looking at something a bit strange. I was really hoping to get portraits, but alas that wasn't to be on the day I went, as the owners where not allowed to remove their birds from the cages while judging was taking place.

Vince, tones appear to be represented differently from screen to screen. At work today while reading this, moving the image from one of my screens to the other, resulted in very different images.

Returning to your first post though, I do like deep blacks in my images, however that is obviously only based on my personal tastes with this screen. As for the ISOs;

1. ISO 8000

2. ISO 2000

3. ISO 10000

4. ISO 3200

5. ISO 3200
