Hasselblad X2D, Just out. M11 Killer?

After looking at M11 images on Flickr, and other sites- it would be nice for someone here with an M11 to test for Infrared Leakage.
Easiest way to do this is to use a TV remote control aimed at the Camera while in Liveview, or use something like a Wii light bar. The Wii ight bar uses super-bright IR LED's, you can see them with the M9. On the M8- they are bright. Using a Flash on a Black Polyester suit usually works. I did these tests years ago with the M9, M8, Nikon Df, and Olympus EP2 full-spectrum camera. The Df had very little leakage, as would be expected. I know at least one Leica User Forum member did a similar test with the M240 compared with their M9 and found the M240 had more IR leakage. That person chose to use an IR/UV filter with fast lenses on the M240.
Some photographers can hand hold their cameras steady at slow shutter speeds better than others. Fortunately, it is a skill you can improve with better technique and practice.

Yes, this is true. Unfortunately the photographer cannot control the movement of the subjects. If you look again you will see the sleeve of the woman's jacket is quite sharp. Attention to detail is important in all things in life. I have added a link to the image at Flickr to help you.

The Flickr link was removed by clumsy editorial editing. Here it is again: https://flic.kr/p/2nKWzSE

Your Honor, this is suppression of evidence by the prosecution. ;o)
Oh my god, you can crop!?

I put out the link. I do not control the amount of content. Not all can be written for a two minute read. And, . . . , for those whose literacy is challenged they do not have to read all of it. I thought it might be interesting. Anyone can quit reading at any point they wish. Really. Are you shooting the messenger?
I put out the link. I do not control the amount of content. Not all can be written for a two minute read. And, . . . , for those whose literacy is challenged they do not have to read all of it. I thought it might be interesting. Anyone can quit reading at any point they wish. Really. Are you shooting the messenger?

Do not act innocent with your continued encroachment talk that we supposedly ALL are interested in.
The author of this article obviously knows nothing about real photography. Do they just type random keys on the keyboard? Is it just computer generated?

"Once upon a time, you wouldn't even dream about taking a medium format camera off a tripod – let alone take it out of a studio setting. So the idea of using one for street photography is a notion that's still quite jarring for some."

I looked up the author. "started working in the photographic industry in 2014". Yup, knows nothing about real photography and never bothered to read anything about it. 2014- "Two Thousand and Fourteen, The Dawn of Photography"

The last 100MPixel monochrome camera I dealt with was 20 years ago. I loaned my Mechanical Engineer to the group that had it made, they slung it under the wing of an F14 Tomcat. I have some photographs of streets that it made, hanging up at work. The F14 was re-christened "Peeping Tom" for the project.

Real Photography using Medium Format cameras for Street - see below.

"I have a confession to make. I’ve been working as a photographer for nearly five years and I still make mistakes. Yep, I said it. Professional photographers will have you believe they know everything and never get anything wrong but trust me, that is just not the case."

Different Author, same website.


This article is about electronic shutters and banding. Interesting read, and the lesson that should be learned is to test everything before relying on things to work.

Added later, I still think this new Hasselblad will shake things up in the camera market at the big buck level. For the same price or less the X2D offers a lot that the M11 does not. I will not go through the list again. And as it is cheaper than the M11 when the suggested 50mm Summilux f/1.4 is counted as against the 55mm Hasselblad f/2.5 buyers have a really viable choice from a manufacturer with a steady reputation for quality. I will be watching the drama unfold.

And I wonder what Leica's response will be. They will not sit idly. Wetzlar is working on a good response. The only question is how good a response.
Added later, I still think this new Hasselblad will shake things up in the camera market at the big buck level. For the same price or less the X2D offers a lot that the M11 does not. I will not go through the list again. And as it is cheaper than the M11 when the suggested 50mm Summilux f/1.4 is counted as against the 55mm Hasselblad f/2.5 buyers have a really viable choice from a manufacturer with a steady reputation for quality. I will be watching the drama unfold.

And I wonder what Leica's response will be. They will not sit idly. Wetzlar is working on a good response. The only question is how good a response.

Well, Leica has already been rumored to be working on a mirrorless medium format for a few years. You can bet it will have very similar specs, but with a higher price tag!

I still don’t think the new Hasselblad will steal much away from the M market share, as I tend to think they are totally different camera experiences.
Is the Ford F-150 Lightning EV truck a Ferrari killer? I think at the very least we are going to see a Ferrari with more trunk space. And maybe a trailer hitch. I will watch the drama unfold.
Well, Leica has already been rumored to be working on a mirrorless medium format for a few years. You can bet it will have very similar specs, but with a higher price tag!

I still don†™t think the new Hasselblad will steal much away from the M market share, as I tend to think they are totally different camera experiences.

It is hard to say how much of the Venn diagram overlap there is between the two camps. And it is harder to know how much of a draw on the Leica followers the X2D will be. Looking at the specs and at the functions offered and the color palette of the Hasselblad color engine, I consider the X2D a better way to get a photo. Autofocus alone will guarantee that. That's a fact. If you have worked with rangefinders and autofocus you know which has the better batting average.

As a highly unreliable indicator I see that at B&H the X2D is the [NODE="1"]n[/NODE]umber 1 best seller. No such talk about the M11. But, the M11 has been out for a long time and may have had its sales slow down as a result. You may be right, the Hasselblad will not much affect Leica. It has not in the past. But it did not have the X2D in the past. Hasselblad is moving from the studio to the street. If I were buying I think I would prefer the X2D to the M11. I say this because I do not believe the M11 is delivering as high a quality image as the X2D. This is from what I have read and what I have seen on the FB user groups. The M11 does not have the features either. The X2D delivers a grand image at ISO 25600. I couldn't see any noise and the detail and color were exquisite.

So let's see what Leica can respond with. The gorilla in the room is the increasing encroachment of cell phone cameras. They may gobble up the market where full frame cameras live. The next few years will be interesting.
I think if anything, the big money Leica users will just have both. As for using Hasselblad in the streets, that is nothing new. People have done that before.