Canon LTM 50mm f/.95 - can both versions be converted to M?

Canon M39 M39 screw mount bodies/lenses

Ken Ford

Refuses to suffer fools
Local time
9:49 PM
Feb 18, 2006
I've been reading a little about the Canon 50mm f/.95 and am curious - can both the RF mount and TV lenses be converted to work on a M mount body? What's involved?

But you have to add a metal ring around the edge of the entire rear element on the TV lens, which forms the focusing cam, and when you're done you've lost at least a third of a stop of lens speed...
John Shriver said:

But you have to add a metal ring around the edge of the entire rear element on the TV lens, which forms the focusing cam, and when you're done you've lost at least a third of a stop of lens speed...

That depends on who does the conversion. Ken Ruth of Photography on Bald Mountain modifies it by grinding the rear lens element to the same specs as the original then adding the same rf coupling as the one on the rf coupled version.

I'll have my TV lens back from him in less than 2 weeks fully rf coupled and with its original f/stop of 0.95
Colyn, is that the conversion that runs around $300?

I've been casually looking for a Canon 50 f/1.2 for months since there's no way I can replace my old Noct in this lifetime, but now the f/0.95 has me interested. I suspect it performs better at f/1.2 than does the f/1.2 lens.
Ken Ford said:
What's involved?

You send him the camera, a wide angle lens (to check proper body focus), screw to M adapter, and the Canon lens.

Modification will be made to the rear cell glass to provide proper contact for the Leica body rangefinder arm allowing coupling.

On the original lens the rear cell is notched to make room for the coupling arm. He will notch the TV lens rear cell and add coupling.

Total cost plus insured shipping back to me is $398 and the conversion took 3 1/2 months.
Ken Ford said:
Colyn, is that the conversion that runs around $300?

I've been casually looking for a Canon 50 f/1.2 for months since there's no way I can replace my old Noct in this lifetime, but now the f/0.95 has me interested. I suspect it performs better at f/1.2 than does the f/1.2 lens.


I've been told this lens does perform better than both the 1.2 and 1.4 at those apertures. I'll soon find out..
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It may perform better, but the weight and bulk are a penalty, unless the super-speed is needed. It is also best used with a separate VF, since it intrudes so much into the camera VF because of its large diameter. The Canon 50mm VF is also a pretty scarce and pricey item, usually. I use a late model Leica 50mm VF, which is nice and bright, and almost reasonable in price.
If you are already carrying the 0.95 on a shoot, then it does give you the option of leaving the other high speed lenses at home. I'd still have either my 50/1.5 or 50/1.8 on hand for more "normal" shooting. They don't take up much space, and aren't THAT heavy.... especially compared to the 0.95.

Ken Ford said:
How much does it intrude into an M3 finder? A .72 M2/3/4/6?

On my M6 it intrudes enough to be noticible, but actually less than the corner of the rectangular shade on the 35mm Summilux ASPH. For me a bigger issue is blockage of the RF brightness window. It is enough to make the framelines a little faint.

- John
Great, thanks.

I'm wondering if I'd do better with a clean f/1.2 - if nothing else, it would be a lot cheaper. I really want to have something for wide-open shooting at relatively close range, which is how I used to use the Noct.