Restore completed

raid said:
Too bad that "my funniest comment" occurred yesterday!
Glad that RFF is back now.

I have to make a point to be funny again!

I think you may just have....;)
So I was just checking around. I thought something fishy was up, I saw a thread marked deleted by me (it was SPAM) 2 hours ago. Now, 2 hours ago I was not deleting SPAM. But I looked at the post, and I don't remember deleting it 2 days ago either. Oh well, I guess I have to pay more attention to what I am doing around here.
Bummer, lost a couple nice threads from today. No worry, thanks for keeping the site going Jorge. Can we restart a couple threads? The loner one and the one about My wanting to buy a Hexar? Oh well.
pesphoto said:
Bummer, lost a couple nice threads from today. No worry, thanks for keeping the site going Jorge. Can we restart a couple threads? The loner one and the one about My wanting to buy a Hexar? Oh well.

Just buy the Hexar already, you know you want to. :p

And I never did read it. Were you looking at the RF version of the earlier fixed lens variant?
rover said:
So I was just checking around. I thought something fishy was up, I saw a thread marked deleted by me (it was SPAM) 2 hours ago. Now, 2 hours ago I was not deleting SPAM. But I looked at the post, and I don't remember deleting it 2 days ago either. Oh well, I guess I have to pay more attention to what I am doing around here.
Einstein and Kilroy were here ;)

If that flies over your head, read here and then here

Domo arigato.
Thanks for the explanation.

At first I was a little bit irritated when I came back this morning and didn´t find the posts of Friday eveníng (+1 gmt). I was just about to contact rff´s against censorship when I saw the explanation.

So everything is okay again. Keep on going, you guys do a great job by running this forum. Thanks for that, too.

I lost my most brilliant, incisive and wise post to date. Well, the hell with it, mere words at best.

Oddly, though, I had something like 1800+ posts last week and now I'm down to 1500, or something like that.

I assume Jorge deleted the ones he didn't like. That's what good editors do, throw out the crap.
It seems like there's a block of posts missing. I can't find any mention of the Konica 35mm UC-Hexanon after September 2006. I know there were more recent posts, because I was searching for it regularly just recently.