Why Was This Removed?



A thread originated by Xmas (Noel) entitled "The Lens Cap Was Off....(nudity)" appears to have been removed.

I have no idea why. The three dimly lit nudes were in no way objectionable and a rather interesting discussion was developing.

If it was removed due to this very mild nudity I find this degree of censorship truly alarming.

That thread was originated by Keith. He likely deleted it himself. I doubt our moderators would do so.
Someone ... and I really don't remember who, made a remark that I didn't appreciate ... something about Carol needing big macs and vitamins from memory! I was tired and irritable and rather than point out to the poster that I didn't think much of the comment, whatever it's intention, I deleted the thread and went to bed.

Carol is a wonderful person and her interest in my photography, and her support and friendship are invaluable to me. Because of her own artistic background she is interested in my desire to be able to photograph people successfully and my interest in nudes is supported by her being happy to pose for me at various times.

One of the challenges in photographing Carol is being able to photograph a nude fifty seven year old woman, (yes .. 57) without making it look ridiculous ... I have to be very careful with light and angles because age is a fact of life and she especially, has to be happy with what I am doing above all other aspirations!

I quite often show Carol threads with photos I post that involve her ... and that particular comment, although fairly harmless, could possibly offend her ... as it did me!
Keith said:
Someone ... and I really don't remember who, made a remark that I didn't appreciate ... something about Carol needing big macs and vitamins from memory! I was tired and irritable and rather than point out to the poster that I didn't think much of the comment, whatever it's intention, I deleted the thread and went to bed.

Carol is a wonderful person and her interest in my photography, and her support and friendship are invaluable to me. Because of her own artistic background she is interested in my desire to be able to photograph people successfully and my interest in nudes is supported by her being happy to pose for me at various times.

One of the challenges in photographing Carol is being able to photograph a nude fifty seven year old woman, (yes .. 57) without making it look ridiculous ... I have to be very careful with light and angles because age is a fact of life and she especially, has to be happy with what I am doing above all other aspirations!

I quite often show Carol threads with photos I post that involve her ... and that particular comment, although fairly harmless, could possibly offend her ... as it did me!

I saw that thread before the offending post. It is a shame that someone would post rude comments, as I thought RFF was better than that. They looked OK to me. Thanks for sharing them, if only for a little while...
FrankS said:
I'm thinking/hoping it was just humour that missed the mark and not maliciousness.
If not, I am locked and loaded with titanium. (Toronto RFF gets the reference... ;) )
Not having seen the offending remark(s), I cannot comment on them. However, I did see the original posting (with images) from Keith. Further, I have seen some previous postings by Keith of Carol displaying at least partial nudity. From my perspective, each posting & image has been tasteful and in no way prurient. And in my personal opinion, for whatever it is worth, Carol is a very attractive woman. I thought so before and feel even more strongly about that having now read that she is 57. Keith, keep up the good work and don't let the occasional inappropriate or unintended remark dissuade you.

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I consider myself very prudish (really) and I did not find Keith's thread objectionable at all. Damn, I thought we are about the art of the photo.
That's a shame, one of the real reasons I love RFF is because I have no shame posting pictures I have taken, no matter how much "better" others are. Post's are constructive and It's an enviroment where I feel comfortable.

Keith, I never saw the pictures in question but I always like seeing your pictures. Hopefully this doesn't discourage posting in the future.
I too missed the pictures (was at work and decided to skip that thread), and I hope that the offending remark was just a poor joke and not actual malice. Haven't been on RFF very long but it seems a very friendly and open minded group.
Sorry I got the thread's originator wrong, Keith. I look forward to seeing more of your work. I've always appreciated it.
Keith i'm sorry to read of your ordeal. All of the photos of your friend Carol, and even the posting of the other model you shot, was in good taste. I know that I have posted dumb comments in the past, not actually meaning to hurt someones feelings, but typed it in before I thought about it, but I always try to apoligize and make it right. So maybe the person who said it will come to you & make it right.
Darn it, Keith! I was about to show my wife your tasteful and artistic shots of the lovely Carol and tell her "see?" It is harder than pulling teeth to get LeAnn to pose for me sans culottes with the rules being "digital only, NO SHARING". Oh well. Keep up the good work, mate. Homo homini lupus - illegitimi non carborundum. F**k Latin: men are wolves to each other - don't let the *******s wear you down.

- John

While the remark was offensive and uncalled for it really said more about the person making the remark than it did about Carol or her attributes as a model. Keep up the great work and I think you are a very lucky man to have her support and freindship.

Best regards,


I saw the photos while they were posted briefly and I thought that they were really good.

I thought that I had perhaps mis read when I saw Carol's age as 57. She looks great, irrespective of age.

I'm sorry that this thread was spoiled by a distasteful remark.
