metal lens hood for Lynx/E35


Local time
4:32 PM
Jul 30, 2007
Hello, I've spotted metal lens hoods on "that site" (BIN 140205164587). I wonder where's difference between this design and vented hoods (I'm talking about generic makes not dedicated for specific camera model) - probably, latter should be had on hands to see if it doesn't block RF window ?
So I see reason to go with simple design hood and even use 55mm for Electro 35 and Lynx 5000 (w/ 46-55 step-up ring). I've asked seller about barrel diameter to check against cameras, maybe I should go directly for 58mm to use it w/ step-up rings (46-55, 55-58) on my all RF's....Any known pitfalls here ?
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Seller (btw, heavystar - many here refer him), replied me with length of hoods, about 23mm. I'm staring at hoodcalc.xls to be sure they aren't too long, and damn, I can't get what "Lens Front Outer Dia." means - seems this should be diameter of front element ? I confess I don't see single interpretation of "Lens Front Outer Dia." - is it diameter of glass or thread size ? Diameter of front element at least seems to be logical, isn't it ?

UPD: found answer by googling exact term, yeah, it's diameter of front glass "piece".
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Please help ! checking those 23mm against Lynx 14 which has 40mm "Lens Front Outer Dia.", hoodcalc shows me max. hood length should be 21mm-22mm (not quite sure about hood inner diameter, calculate using value 60-61mm.

Are couple of millimeters critical ? Does anyone have used those "narrow cylindrical" hoods on 14's or to be on safe side better would be go for one with extended base (read - larger inner diameter), like this - 110223046976 ?
OK, let's bring old wool out....looking at Auto S2's hood I see that it extend only some 17mm-19mm over glass (17 from top of glass, ~19 from base of glass). Looking at generic hoods for standard lens on *bay, their depth is about 23mm.
I'm concerned about vignetting - hoodcalc shows that they are 2-5mm longer than they should. Looking at original Yashica 55mm hood it also doesn't seem exceeding 20mm but guessing from picture is bad science.

Matching paper hood (canon 50mm f1.4 if I remember correctly) printed from is 18mm wide. Yeah, those 17-18mm seem to be optimal value.

Do anyone knows or can measure how far from lens extends original Yashica hood and inner diameter of it?

Seems that I'd better with so called "wide' hoods which are almost cylindrical (some 5-7mm wider on open end than on thread) but 14mm in depth (+ thread). Maybe not ideal though better than nothing and still not vignetting.

Will appreciate any ideas on this.
btgc, I just measured the depth of my GT hood and it is 27mm front to back. It is the solid hood, no slots, on the 55mm threaded lens.
Works fine, no vignetting.
Great ully! what kind oh hood it is - clamp on or screw in? Trying to understand if something from depth is used to cover barrel when mounting or 27mm is pure length without thread - all27mm extend from front of barrel ? Again, thanks.
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This hood length is from front to the last thread which screws into the lens. The thread depth is about 2.5 or 3mm. It is a black matte metal hood that says Universal on it. Got it from a seller on ebay, I think he is in Hong Kong.

Hope that helps.
I did go back to the GT negs that I know where taken with the hood and yes it did vignette about 1mm of the film on the corners. I probably cropped it out when I printed some of the pics.
Thanks ully for engaging. Today got to know that original clamp on Yashica hood for Electro 35 is 18-19mm in depth. Some 3-5mm are "lost" mounting on lens barrel, so we have that 14-16mm. Think I'll go for such depth to avoid vignetting.
I have an original Clamp on Yashica hood for Sale if you are interested.

"Today got to know that original clamp on Yashica hood for Electro 35 is 18-19mm in depth. Some 3-5mm are "lost" mounting on lens barrel, so we have that 14-16mm.

Let me know if you are interested. It is in excellent shape.

Leo Christoffer
In Washington State
Received hood from heavystar, fast and promptly. Hood is straight and doesn't block RF nor finder. Will tell if it causes vignetting wide open.