Other/Uncategorized Just browsing turns into...

Other Screw mount bodies/lenses


Social Documentary
Local time
6:55 AM
Feb 29, 2008
3 new/old lenses from Adorama!!! :bang:

I promised myself I'd lay off the senseless gear acquisition madness, but it's simply no use. I needed to order a couple of things at Adorama, when I thought... why not browse through the Used Equipment section, and see what's up... well, what's up is -- 10 minutes later, I'm typing in my credit card number.

I just ordered:

1) a Canon 85/1.9 (I actually would've preferred the lighter Nikon 85/2, but it seems to be going for a bit more $$ than the Canon -- quality-wise, for B&W, I doubt that I'd be able to tell the difference).

2) Steinheil 85/2.8 - have read some internet "cult buzz" about this lens, so I figured, for $99, why not?

3) 50/1.5 Summarit -- an oldie, but goodie.

This madness has no end, has it??? :(
The only sure way to stop is not to browse. I'd stopped for a while, and then started looking on eBay "just to check things out." I ended up with an Agfa Speedex junior and a pair of Nikon sunglasses.

Just don't look.
Hmmm -- I was eyeing a Canon 85/1.9 there not very long ago, thinking it over -- I guess my mind is now made up for me. Just as well, I was browsing at KEH and before I knew it, I had ordered a Canon 100/3.5 just because it was so damn cheap. I guess I owe you a "thanks," kxl. I saved some cash.
You only go around once. What are you saving your money for? A big & flashy funeral? A pine box and shroud will work just as well and before you go look at all the fun you will have with your new toys.
LOL - actually, I'm saving up to buy a tank of gas. No pine for me, I'm going into the furnace as fuel.
You only go around once. What are you saving your money for?

I'm not saving it for anything. I'm spending it on going places to take pictures, not buying more damn' cameras.

Of course, because I travel so much, I spend less time working, so I don't earn as much, so I'm not tempted to buy as many useless new cameras.

If I had to work harder, to pay for more cameras, I'd have less time to travel. So I don't want to buy more cameras.

I have yet to discover a flaw in this line of reasoning.


I swore off buying another camera body for this year...(I did buy a camera BUT only for the lens, a Nikkor-O 35mm 2.0, that was attached to it...)
I have picked up a few other items (Off Ebay or the local camera store even a garage sale) BUT I am trying as hard as I can to NOT buy another body this year...I may even extend this for next year too...
I have passed up a few great buys, believe me it's hard to do at times, but if I don't feel that it's going to be used as a workhorse but sit on a shelf because it's too pretty I DON"T NEED IT!!!

I do browse alot so I know what can happen...how do you think I got most of the gear I have right now...