R-d1 + Cv 40/1.4



Nice pics. Let's see some more.

Welcome to RFF, we certainly need more Savonians here! ;)

Thanks Rogrund! I've lived 95% of my life in Southern Finland, so I'm just nominally a Savonian...

kshapero said:
Man, these are all just plain wonderful. Where is Savo?

Thank you for your kind words! Savo is not a place... It's a state of mind. ,) Just kiddin'. It's a historical province of Finland, nowadays part of the Province of Eastern Finland. Savo is known (by Finns at least..) for it's funny dialect and other cultural specialities.

Here's a shot I took yesterday at the University of Kuopio campus:


Lovely shots. Can you explain if you are using a UV/IR cut filter and how you process the images?

I am new to the R-D1 and looking to learn how to get these great colours and clarity.

Lovely shots. Can you explain if you are using a UV/IR cut filter and how you process the images?

I am new to the R-D1 and looking to learn how to get these great colours and clarity.

Thank you KJF! I don't use any filters with my R-D1. I shoot RAW and develop in Adobe Lightroom. Usually I correct the white balance, exposure, vibrance/saturation and add a bit of contrast and clarity+sharpness. Sometimes I do more extensive editing with LR's nice color tools. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the response. Thats great because I am a lightroom user and when I got the R-D1 I tried the Epson software and it was way too slow on the mac.

I need to try and get the images to look good in lightroom. You proved that this is possible.
Thank you KJF! I don't use any filters with my R-D1. I shoot RAW and develop in Adobe Lightroom. Usually I correct the white balance, exposure, vibrance/saturation and add a bit of contrast and clarity+sharpness. Sometimes I do more extensive editing with LR's nice color tools. Hope this helps.

Here's one where I wanted to give some of that cold feel you experience in an autumn morning. I messed a bit with the white balance and vibrance/saturation.

hey welcome, and I must say, I love the shots! I'll share a few of mine. Personally, my epson @ iso 1600, b/w remind me so much of tri-x 400... I have an MC 40 1.4, 50 1.5, and 21mm F4, all I need now is a bessa R4 :D but honestly, the 40mm 1.4 is my fave, straight up.

CV ultron 28mm 1.9:

leitz elmarit 90mm 2.8:

CV 21mm F4:

CV nokton 40mm 1.4:
Studying with Mom

Studying with Mom

The RD-1(s) and the Nokton 40/1.4 is a great combination. I haven't done a lot of shooting with it lately. 'Been doing a bunch of environmental portrait work with my e-420.
I grabbed this image tonight after parking my RD-1 on my desk as a hint to myself to shoot with it a bit more.
ISO 400, processed in LR2.


  • Studying with Mom.jpg
    Studying with Mom.jpg
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In the other day I was shooting with my Epson R-D1 and CV 40/1.4 in a low light situation. Only one thought occurred to me when I was inspecting the shots at home: I love this lens!

You love that lens; I love your eyes!
You have a great way of seeing things and that's have of the job.
Great work.
You love that lens; I love your eyes!
You have a great way of seeing things and that's have of the job.
Great work.

Thank you very much Geo!

Here's a few more from that night, this time with human element:

'The Mob'

'Mr. Trotsky and the Party'
Wow !!

Fantastic colours !!
And a very very good eye, of course !! ;-)

Thank you for sharing them with us.
Cheers !!
