
They send out

They send out

Thanks everyone for your informative and funny responses.

Another question: Can "slide" films be processed at places like Sam's Club etc., or do they have to be sent out to labs that specialize in that?

You can take the film to those places. Sam's & Wal-Mart will send them away. Assuming the person handling the film doesn't load it into the C-41 machine first. :bang:

Best to find a good lab and do the sending or taking yourself. Yellowstone Photo in Montana is highly regarded in the large format community. Their prices are good. They do mail order.

Good luck.
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Slide film: Kodachrome 64

B+W films: TriX 400, PanF+50, Adox CMS 20 --> (I love this film but it is costly, so I shoot it very rarely.)

I recommend finding the Arista rebranded equivalent of your favourite B+W film and just stick with it. For example, I use TriX for most of my photography, so I tend to buy bulk orders of the Arista Premium 400; it behaves exactly like TriX 400 with rodinal.

I wish I could find a PanF+ 50 equivalent!? Man, I love that film during the Spring and Summer months, but it is almost as much as Adox CMS 20 in terms of cost.

Have fun picking a film/developer combination; just stick with your combination and don't keep switching the variables. I find that my old photography teacher's advice still is very wise.
Bottom line:

There are no bad films.
There are no bad developers.
There are no bad film+developer combinations.
There are less than perfect color labs.
