Need inspiration to use my SLR!


Local time
2:31 PM
Jul 30, 2008
I'm not using my Nikon much these days. It's large, heavy and loud. The last time I shot a roll with it was a few weeks ago, during a paid shoot. I've been using a Olympus XA for the past few weeks, favoring it for its silence, small size and easy portability. It's a totally different feel shooting it, it seems relaxed and easy. I also love the 'look' of the lens, evident in the photos in this album:

So I'd like to be inspired to use it, any way you know how!
sell it, get a compact rangefinder with a faster lens and buy more film.

i'm having the same problem actually. i rarely use my canon 40d anymore except for when i use my ƒ1.4 lens in low light.
I know the feeling... I have not used my Nikon F or F2 in months... what I miss most is the lenses... the Nikkor 105/2.5 and Nikkor 180/2.8... those lenses just have a look and feel that cannot be found in other lenses.
i was thinking more along the lines of a canonet q17 giii, or a yashica gsn and the like with their ƒ1.7 lenses. but trust me when i say that since joining the forum i'm seriously thinking about leicas and other expensive toys.
I got an r3 with a tamron 38-100. It's heavy and enormus, but today I will put the ilford 50 and go! And latter my shoulders will be complaining!!!
Make yourself an assignment and go shoot! I'll be using my FM2n in Borneo in two weeks--I have to say travel is a great motivator.
I'd have a hell of a time pulling this shot off with a rangefinder.

I'm the other way at the moment ... I can't seem to find a good reason or inspiration to use any of my 35mm rangefinders ... my OM-1 is giving me everything I need! :eek:
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Same here Keith. The OM-1n (which ironically I got "broken" to use for parts, and it turned out to be totally functional after a little cleaning and exercising) has been doing it for me for a few weeks now, though the Fed still gets work. The other rangefinders are now gone, and the new Pentax DSLR sits idle except for taking belly shots of my wife (7.5 months).
Whenever I want to do macro I grab one of my SLR's.

I'll be shooting my new N80 tomorrow..
Same here Keith. The OM-1n (which ironically I got "broken" to use for parts, and it turned out to be totally functional after a little cleaning and exercising) has been doing it for me for a few weeks now, though the Fed still gets work. The other rangefinders are now gone, and the new Pentax DSLR sits idle except for taking belly shots of my wife (7.5 months).

Sometimes I just get frustrated with the haphazard framing and lack of close focus ability with my rangefinders ... and they're all the same from my M8 to my Bronica RF645! :rolleyes:

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here! :p
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