your favorite SLR

I still love my FE2 given to me from my dad during the 90's he got it at 1985.
Still use it once in a while with a cheap sigma 28-70mm, not top quality lens but still can do it's job right.


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My Pentax Sp 1000 serves me well,It does all I need it to and the 50/1.4 SMC Takumar is the best..................

my FM2 is pretty perfect. when i want a little more metering options i grab the FA.

although i've never used one, i would like to someday have an Alpa.

- chris
I'm a man of simple tastes, this ones been with me from new (seventies) - never missed a beat, and never been for any of this regular CLA nonsense! - I promised not to send her to 'Ting Tang Chee' for some superfluous dollops of grease and oil, and she's remained faithful and smooth as the proverbial baby's butt! :p

I also have the same setup. Love it.
OM4, or 2, or 1.
Contax 167mt. Or even 139.
R5. Or R4.
Minolta 600si. Or 800si.
Pentax ME is good to use too.
Canon 5D now.
OM4, or 2, or 1.
Contax 167mt. Or even 139.
R5. Or R4.
Minolta 600si. Or 800si.
Pentax ME is good to use too.
Canon 5D now.

I enjoyed my Contax 139. When it worked. But it died after about 5 years. None of my other SLRs did that. When I found that the Yashica FX103 had the same fabulous otf flash metering, and the Contax 50mm f/1.4 was just as happy, I never looked back. Come to think of it, may the OM series doesn't have such alure after all. Without the Fujica, I would go with the Yashica.
Manual focus mechanical: Canon F-1n
Manual focus electronic: Canon A-1
Auto focus heavy duty: Canon EOS 630
Auto focus little & light: Canon Kiss III L
Manual focus point & shoot: Pentax Auto 110 Super
Focus free point & shoot: Pentax Auto 110 Super with 18mm Pan Focus lens
Digital: Don't own one
If I had to sell all but one, I'd keep the Canon F-1n.
I like and (have) own(ed) the following: Mamiya 645 - the original model, Canon A-1, Olympus OM-1n, Nikon D-100, Nikon N80, Nikon D-70 - modded to shoot infrared, Nikon F5, and last and probably least a Nikon FG.

My favorite camera of all of those is the Mamiya. I have taken more good photographs with the OM-1n. I keep the FG in my car, the F5 on a copy stand and am constantly playing with the D70. I use the D-100 as a proofer/fancy meter. The Canon and my first M645 were stolen.
My first SLR was a Nikon FM2n and I loved it. Especially later when I had an MD-12 to go with it.

Years before that I had always wanted a Nikon F2. I now have an F2 Photomic and F2A and I have to say I am more used to the F2 Photomic and it's got my vote.
Pentax MX for me as well...

Pentax MX for me as well...

I've been a Pentax shooter for many years although I could never - until recently - afford to own many of them. My fav was an MX that I used for several years till it fell to its death from a high wall. The strap broke and I made a valiant effort to save it but to no avail. Major damage. I still miss it sometimes...
Nikon FM, although the mirror slap means I try not to handhold below 1/60th. I love it because it doesn't need batteries and has a huge, uncluttered viewfinder.

I can handhold the F3 down to 1/30th, but it does require batteries and I don't like relying on them. Also mine has some problems…shutter won't work properly etc.