Ken Rockwell Falls In Love With His Slide Projector

Carousel - NOT!

Carousel - NOT!

Good Morning Men,

When I said projector, I was too polite to mention that I gave my three Carousel projectors to the local animal shelter thrift store back in 2004. (Two pro Ektagraphics and my trusty 550 I had since childhood.)

Carousels suck. Even the color balance is too green, and you have to go out of your way to get third-party (Schneider etc.) lenses to make them look good.

Long before I had a Leica camera, I got a LEICA P150 and COLORPLAN-CF lens around 1995, and I was hooked.

Yesterday, I fired up a LEICA PRADOVIT P253 IR. Oh yeah!

Also, I do love to fart. I worked in radio and TV for decades. I was too ugly for TV, I farted too much for radio, so that's why I broadcast on the Internet today.

Ken R
Welcome aboard, regularly read and frequently commented on, Herr Rockwell.

We've (mostly) enjoyed your scribblings and look forward to more.
Well ... the genie is out of the bottle now ... look what you people have done! :angel:
Oh yea! How do we KNOW that's really the really real Ken Rockwell? :eek:

If you're really the really real Ken Rockwell, say something stupid...IF you can!

Good Morning Men,

When I said projector, I was too polite to mention that I gave my three Carousel projectors to the local animal shelter thrift store back in 2004. (Two pro Ektagraphics and my trusty 550 I had since childhood.)

Carousels suck. Even the color balance is too green, and you have to go out of your way to get third-party (Schneider etc.) lenses to make them look good.

Long before I had a Leica camera, I got a LEICA P150 and COLORPLAN-CF lens around 1995, and I was hooked.

Yesterday, I fired up a LEICA PRADOVIT P253 IR. Oh yeah!

Also, I do love to fart. I worked in radio and TV for decades. I was too ugly for TV, I farted too much for radio, so that's why I broadcast on the Internet today.

Ken R
Getting The Most Out Of Your Carousel

Getting The Most Out Of Your Carousel

The original lenses are pretty bad and the zoom is just plain not very sharp. You can make the lenses sharper by stopping them down.

Use some thin card stock, like index card thickness. If you can't find black then color it with a marker. You want to cut a ring out of it. The outside diameter should be a push fit into the set-back on the front of the lens, while the ring should be about 6mm (1/4") wide. Push it in right up against the front element. The image will be a bit darker but it'll have more contrast and be a lot sharper!
Following intensive linguistic analysis of the post on my Commodore 64, I am convinced that it was indeed authored by the real Ken Rockwell.

As the guy who posted the link that it seems he may have noticed in his referrals, I say welcome. Here's hoping we see more of him around here. I like his "well saturated" prose (and it is a compliment) as well as his well-saturated photos. His site reflects his enthusiasm for photography, as it should.
Ken sure get a lot of comments on this forum, but I enjoy looking at his site.

He's been promoting both film and Leica. How can we complain?
Following intensive linguistic analysis of the post on my Commodore 64, I am convinced that it was indeed authored by the real Ken Rockwell.

As the guy who posted the link that it seems he may have noticed in his referrals, I say welcome. Here's hoping we see more of him around here. I like his "well saturated" prose (and it is a compliment) as well as his well-saturated photos. His site reflects his enthusiasm for photography, as it should.

My TRS-80 can beat up your Commodore 64! (Obviously, I'm spoiling for a fight today.) :angel:
Oh yea! How do we KNOW that's really the really real Ken Rockwell? :eek:

If you're really the really real Ken Rockwell, say something stupid...IF you can!

So much jealousy. Its so easy to knock others down, rather that try to raise yourself up high.
This will set a record for longest KR thread for sure. :)

Welcome aboard, and thanks for the 35 Lux review.
Good Morning Men,

When I said projector, I was too polite to mention that I gave my three Carousel projectors to the local animal shelter thrift store back in 2004. (Two pro Ektagraphics and my trusty 550 I had since childhood.)

Carousels suck. Even the color balance is too green, and you have to go out of your way to get third-party (Schneider etc.) lenses to make them look good.

Ken R

Wrong! from your saturated photos, I'm not sure you are the one to ask about color control.
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