Why a new 24mm Elmar 3.8?


Local time
9:28 PM
May 24, 2009
The 24mm Elmarit is 2.8 and only a little bigger. I don't understand. Is there something more than speed and size that I am missing?
I have a Nikon F3 set up with a DA-2 action finder and 24/2.0 AIS lense. Although this is a SLR, and I have F2.0 it is seldom used. 98% of the time I keep the F-stop pegged at 5.6, meter off the back of my hand, and use the distance scale or hyper focal distance to use this rig as a point and shoot.

Fast lenses or faster lenses aren't always needed/required.

Guilty Your Honor

Guilty Your Honor

I have a Nikon F3 set up with a DA-2 action finder and 24/2.0 AIS lense. Although this is a SLR, and I have F2.0 it is seldom used. 98% of the time I keep the F-stop pegged at 5.6, meter off the back of my hand, and use the distance scale or hyper focal distance to use this rig as a point and shoot.

Fast lenses or faster lenses aren't always needed/required.


I have way too many lenses from 1.4 to 2.8 that I tend to you use most often between 5.6 and 11. The problem is that Leica doesn't make f/4 Summicrons. :cool:

I'm diseased also. Yesterday recieved two new lenses.

Interesting to note that since Leica doesn't make F-4.0 Crons that one of them was a 50/3.5 Heliar.

Seems like here on the forum the knee jerk reaction is the 50/2.0 Heliar is more desirable.

I apologize: I had to get both.

The joy of fast lenses is little to no DOF. However the DOF of the 24/2.8 is too great to be of any use. As others have stated, the extra 2/3 of a stop just ain't that big of a deal.
I believe there are 5 good reasons:
- size
- price
- flare resistance
- a no compromise optical quality
- make finally a lens which is as good as the Zeiss 25/2.8 and does not cost 5 times as much.
The joy of fast lenses is little to no DOF. However the DOF of the 24/2.8 is too great to be of any use. As others have stated, the extra 2/3 of a stop just ain't that big of a deal.

Outside, no. Inside, yes. 2/3 of a stop means the difference between a shot or not, a blurry one or a sharp one. I am not one for fast lenses, but when you need them you need them. A f3.8 lens won't get you far indoors without a tripod. I've been doing some project work inside a busted up Govt drug clinic in Kabul and I have been screaming for 1.4 rather than f2. F2.8 worked just about with the D3200 body but F4, would have had me leaving early. I can't afford to swap out my slower lenses for fast, but I would ideally like to swap out the 28 biogon for 28 Cron, the 35 biogon for a lux asph, the 50 planar for a lux asph... you get the picture.
Now that's a tall order! That ZM is easily one of the best lenses I've ever shot.

But why would I then choose the Leica lens over the Zeiss? It's already at a disadvantage with an even slower speed of f/3.8. Granted, I'm perhaps in the minority of seeing the merit of the 1,4/24 Summilux and would almost take my arm off with a rusty butter knife to get one. ;)

Point well taken. I have to admit I lust for a 24/1.4 ASPH, but I lack the funds. The problem is not that you are in the minority: the problem is lack of funds like me.
