Thinking about a Nokton 1.1

Nokton 50mm f/1.1, Leica M2, Tmax400-2 printed on Ilford MGIV fb.


all the talk that the Nokton's signature is unimpressive and the samples I have seen are making me think twice.

Any advice or thoughts on my dielimma?

Sure. Buy the 1.1 and make up your own mind about the "signature". If you like it, keep it. If you don't, sell it.
That's what I did and I'm keeping mine!
Thanks for your input guys, and I do like the shot Erik. I am still up in the air. I may go with Kroysa's advice and get a 50/1.5 Nokton. Couldn't complain about the sharpness and for the price and it had the increased contrast I like in my lenses. Alot of the reason I went with the 35/2.5 P II.
You can always get the Canon 50mm f1.2 and see if you like the speed. It's a less expensive choice; they run at about $400, and even Steve, our bartender, has one for sale in the RFF classifieds.
I will have to grab one of these soon.
Although I know the weight/size is probably going to bother me...
just cannot resist the dof/artistic possibilities....
The only way to know, is to try it out yourself. I think it is a very
're-sellable' (!) no risk in trying it out for a few weeks :)
After falling in love with 35mm lenses the last few months, I decided a few days ago to buy a 35mm/1.2 from the RFF classifieds, ending my 50/1.1 dreams for at least 3 months or so... :)