What is in your "Buy List"?

Canon P - got it
Canon 35/2 - on its way
Canon 28/2.8 - still thinking about it

Mamiya Universal / super 23 w/ 6x9 backs :D
Are you sure you guys put the buy list not wish list? :)
Ok, I did get carried away with wishes, so getting down to plans to buy...

Service for four 35mm lenses by DAG... A CLA for my "new" f/2.8 Summaron (goggled), M8 focus calibration on Summilux ASPH and f/1.4 Nokton, and a checkup and maybe CLA for my old v1 Summicron.
I'm after a Konica Hexar AF, a 50mm for my M6 (probably the Nokton 1.5) and an... cough M9...cough...
I'm finished Leica wise, 2 bodies with 35's 50's and a 90. I'd like an M9 but the cost to me can't be justified.
I keep thinking i'm done Nikon wise too but I just picked up a black F with a 50 1.4, couldn't help myself! I'm done with glass apart from a 35 Nikkor-O which of course I NEED!!!!

Selling wise I should sell my chrome F and a couple of F2's if only because they don't get used much.
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Well I instigated part of my previous post ... I just ordered 50 sheets of Era 4x5 to give it a look see. If it's even half reasonable it's a bargain at around 50c per sheet and makes pretty cheap fuel for the Graphic for the shots that aren't quite so important! :D
a wish list rather than a buy list for me would be:

contax G body and lenses.
amadeo adaptor and some nikon or zeiss glass
zeiss 35 biogon zm and 50mm planar zm
I need a good scanner, perhaps 9000ED, and an analog darkroom. From time to time I wish my negatives are bigger than 135. Medium format is on my list but no immediate urge to get a new system. Large format is too cumbersome to operate.