VC40 1.4 users: How important is the hood/shade


Local time
1:13 AM
Dec 13, 2004
To all the users of the 40 1.4 (SC),

Is the hood/shade absolutely necessary to control flare? I'm asking because I want to be sure to get one but not sure if I want to pay extra for the hood unless its really needed.

Check out Robert aka 'De La Luz' on Flickr:

Most of his B&W pics are taken with a 40/1.4 SC lens without a hood.

My MC version of the lens is not very flare prone, I bought the hood for protection rather than flare and Robert does not complain about flare with his SC version.
Unless you want flare for artistic reasons, hoods are always a good idea. Modern coatings are very good in preventing flare but the right hood can only help and as already stated, the hood helps protect the glass.
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You don't need the "official" hood. Cheap aftermarket metal screw-in hoods (say for a 35mm lens) are available from e-bay sellers like heavystar. I must have a dozen of these on various lenses. Not only do they work fine, but for a couple of extra dollars (like $2) you can get one with a cap that fits on the hood. No more Zeiss-style pinchy-hood problem. Ahhhhhh ... .
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