Ministry of Love

Thanks Jan. Nice one too. Sure, "Big brother is watching you" but strangely, every time I see satellite dishes, I think "ears", not "eyes"...
Stewart, could you give some details about this photo?

Ben, the thing is if you could turn off the tv, or you stay hidden in safe home with tv as a window on the world.

Excellent thread!! :) Very original, Jan! I see building that predicate power, metaphorical eyes and ears, men who embody physical strength... All the signs of oppression, tyranny and raw power.

I think I have something that may go with this in another computer...

Again, Jan, thanks for starting an excellent thread! ;)
Thank you Francisco. The whole idea came up cause I'm preparing portfolio for entrance exam to film school in Łódź, they have photo faculty there, considered to be best in Poland. This is my interpretation of subject "here it is like it is" with is one of three I have to make.