Your Favorite Photographer?

yes, my favorites change too, ..... at the moment its Gene Smith, after reading the Jazz Loft Project about his life in NYCs flower district in the 50s/60s. I guess what I really walked away with is how a fotographer can take thousands of images and find a lyrical pattern amongst them that words cannot describe.
The shots I like the most looking at, once and again, are Atget's.

And what about overrated photographers?

I'll say it in public for the first time: I don't feel passion for Ansel Adams' photographs...


I took a quick flip through peoples favourites and about half were names that I recognized, almost all of them now dead, and the remainder names I didn't know, I'm thinking maybe they are current photographers, or at least still alive. I've always had a soft spot for Waker Evans, but my absolute favourite is a name I didn't see, and he is still well and truly alive and shooting. Canadian photographer Larry Towell, photojournalist and member of Magnum. I love everything he does, and last I heard, he still shoots film. Check him out. I guarantee you'll be impressed.
Russell Lee (his colour work for the FSA is stunning), Garry Winogrand, Robert Frank, HCB, W. Eugene Smith, Sebastio Salgado, Eugene Richards, Weegee, Leonard Freed, to name a few. If I had to pick one...couldn't do it.
Arnold Newman, Irving Penn, George Tice, John Davies, Gabriele Basilico, Stephen Shore, Mary Ellen Mark, Simon Norfolk, Richard Mosse, David Bowman.