Bangkok: army designates "Live Firing Zone"

ny-times link works here. Some really incredible photographs. I can't imagine the chaos in Bangkok right now.
All those links are working for me.

Terrible news. I have a friend in Bangkok and just found out she's fine and out of harm's way.

I don't really understand the lead-up to this situation but any government that sends the army to shoot at citizens is despicable.
What a shame for such a beautiful country and wonderful people.
Thais seem to go through this sort of hiccups every few decades, eventually the King comes out and tells everyone to cool off, people obeys and sooner or later the government changes and back to "business as usual." This is the third one IRRC in my adult life.
What a shame, this kind of violence must be underlain with strong dissatisfaction. Most of the developed countries seem to do away behind cover ups and keep lid on to prevent turning into international scandals.