Australia/New Zealand Australia has a new prime minister ... and our first woman!


I was born and lived o/s most of my life and Ι'm currently in the process of applying for Australian citizenship. To me, what is currenlty going on in Europe and US makes Australian catastrophes seem like a ripple in an otherwise calm lake. Thats not to say that people havent been seriously affected, or they shouldn't have been prevented, or they shouldnt be ironed out, but my main wish is this: may this always be the extend of our problems :)

Anyway it does seem like a marketing trick: appoint the most recognisable face to get people excited and avoid reaction, but one the other hand I have no reason to believe this is not a positive change.

It seems to work too: the ladies at work are going nuts over this :D
I just realised, not only she's a woman, she's also an immigrant.
Pretty incredible combination for a PM if you think about it.
As a life time Labour supporter I'm bitterly disappointed how the whole affair has unfolded. As far as I'm concerned the ALP has just lowered themselves to the level of the f.....g conservatives. Yes Rudd did make mistakes but would people have preferred if he sat on his hands during the economic crisis. We've got off scott free here in Oz with virtually full employment, low levels of govt. debt vis a vis every where else in the world etc. And my respect for Julia Gillard has almost vaporised. Yes I will still vote for Labour next election because I'd rather die a thousand deaths than vote Liberal but it will be with a heavy heart. I asked a question today no one could answer. Is Gillard the first Australian PM to have never been married?
She comes from south Wales not the new one, the old one.

Yes someone did think that about Thatcher.
Alan Clark thought her sexy especially her ankles :)
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Mitterand said that the Maggon had the eyes of Caligula and the lips of Marilyn Monroe. Excitable lot, these French...

When I saw 'Abbot' and 'Labour' in the same sentence, I got nervous. Followers of the British Labour leadership elections will understand why...


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Mitterand said that the Maggon had the eyes of Caligula and the lips of Marilyn Monroe. Excitable lot, these French...

When I saw 'Abbot' and 'Labour' in the same sentence, I got nervous. Followers of the British Labour leadership elections will understad why...



Yes ... my breakfast was momentarily interrupted
Me too.
Apparently she is not as cuddly as she might sometimes appear according to one Telegraph female journo.
She was advised that it wouldn`t be in her intersest to proceed with a certain story.
"I can still hear that voice of silken menace".Something like that.
I always thought that she was rather sweet.
Misguided but sweet.
You can see where I`ve gone wrong in life :)