Just got the C-Biogon 35mm f2.8


Real Men Shoot Film.
Local time
9:40 AM
Apr 1, 2007
Last week I bought a 35mm f2.8 C-Biogon to try out for the architectural stuff I have been shooting with my Leicas lately. Having shot a couple rolls of film with it, I REALLY like this lens! My 35mm Summicron Version IV is for sale. The C-Biogon is sharper and has less light falloff toward the edges. I rarely shot the Summicron wide open, so I won't miss the extra stop. Here's one of my first C-Biogon 35 pics. I'm happy!


Leica M6, Arista Premium 400 (Tri-X) at EI-320, developed normally in D-76 1+1.
The Summicron is in the classifieds here on RFF.

I love the Zeiss lens so far, I have several more photos from it that I scanned last night that I will post soon. It is very sharp, even wide open, no distortion as Gavin noted, and has beautiful bokeh (which you can't see here) and tonal rendering.
wow, nice to see how good this lens performs. been wanting to get it for my ZI to replace the Nokton 40 currently on it. Looks like a great lens.
It's a tiny little monster of a lens, and rock-solid mechanically. For those who have not seen it there is a longer RFF thread about the Baby Biogon here.

35 Biogon-C, f/5.6 or 8, ACROS, XTOL 1:1.

f/2.8, Superia 400.

f/2.8, Superia 400.
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Originally Posted by fdigital
wow... no distortion at all seemingly. I'm really quite attracted to this lens.

Hi - I'm a fan of relatively 'slow' lenses. I have the C-Biogon, and the more I use it, the more amazed I am by it's rendering.

I believe I have the best 35mm lens for ME on the 'M' platform that I could get at ANY price. I have no inclination to photograph at f1.4 or f2.0, and I prefer f8 photography to wide-open/fast-shutterspeed photography, so my C-Biogon is my 35mm lens-for-life. Why not treat yourself, and maybe you too might have the best 35mm 'M' lens you could have. I heartily recommend you subscribe to Reid Reviews and read Sean's recent article on 'slow' 35mm lenses on the M9.

.............. Chris
I sold my 35 lux asph because I haven't used it since I got the 35 C-Biogon. I think I'm going to sell my 25 Biogon because that hasn't been used either!
I would not sell the 25 Biogon if I were you. It is one of the few lenses that rivals the 35f2.8 C-Biogon in performance! My 4 most used Zeiss lenses are the C - designated lenses (21f4.5, 25f2,8, 35f2.8 and the 50f1.5). I dont carry them all at the same time - but they are usually along as a "pair" (21/35 or 35/50). Usually the longer lens on a M2 and the 21/25 on a R4M.
I have 3/4 of those Tom :) The exception being the 21/4.5 because I have (and love) the 18/4 and find the two lengths too close.

I'll keep my 25/2.8, at your suggestion.
Nice to see the next one in the fun-club :)

I like the sharp-to-soft rendering at f4. If it should have to be "fixed apertured" it has to be 4.0 for me.

Never regret to sell my CV 50/1.5 and buy this beautiful lens.


f4.0 | APX100 in HC-110 | Yellow Filter
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I wouldn't be able to do it, I shoot to often in low light. I'd want the f2. Beautiful shots though all.
I would not sell the 25 Biogon if I were you. It is one of the few lenses that rivals the 35f2.8 C-Biogon in performance! My 4 most used Zeiss lenses are the C - designated lenses (21f4.5, 25f2,8, 35f2.8 and the 50f1.5). I dont carry them all at the same time - but they are usually along as a "pair" (21/35 or 35/50). Usually the longer lens on a M2 and the 21/25 on a R4M.

Hi Tom

Would you know how the CV25/4 compares the 25 Biogon? I have the CV25 and I'm very pleased with the results

Hi Tom

Would you know how the CV25/4 compares the 25 Biogon? I have the CV25 and I'm very pleased with the results


The CV 25 is a very good lens, small and good performer. It does not come close to the ZM 25f2.8 though. But the penalty is higher price and considerably larger size.
I use the VC 21/25's as "pocket" lenses. They can comfortably sit in the jacket/vest pocket and be pulled out when needed. The ZM would make you "list" considerably if you put that in a pocket!!!
My VC 21/25's are usually on a R4M as that has the framelines for the FL's and you dont need to carry finders. The ZM 25 is on a M2 with the Zeiss finder.
I have printed stuff from both the ZM 25 and the VC 25 to 16x20 without problem. The extra stop gained with the ZM is handy sometimes.
Thanks Tom and Double Negative.

I didn't realize that the ZM was that much better. Maybe one day I'll get to try one. Please share your photos with this wonderful lens!
