Examples of 120 Ektar and Portra needed...

Sure - 400nc is what I always use for 120 and 35.


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I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but I ran some exposure tests on Ektar and all the Portras with a color checker and a gray scale. You can find them here.It gives you a sense of some of the differences between the films.

All of these color pictures were taken with 120 Ektar or Portra. These include the film tests mentioned above.

You can click on all of them for larger 2000x2000 scans.
I do not have any 120 shots (though you may check my flickr NZ shots for some 35mm Ektar samples), but it seems that I am not the only one who gets turquoise skies with the Ektar. I actually like it. For me ektar is a great film on travel with strong colors, fine grain but wider latitude than slides.
Sorry, these are 35mm, but you can see how you can get very nice colors with this film, and the latitude is enough if exposed properly. Also, absolutely no grain, even on 35mm!



Great shots all! With Ektar 100, what about reciprocity failure in long exposures - I'm thinking in the 10s to 60s range?