Nikon F100


Local time
1:04 AM
Mar 15, 2006
In a small town close to where I live there is a combo camera store and pharmacy. They are cleaning out their storeroom and found 3 NIB Nikon F100s. I bought one today for 300 bucks but he has them listed for 499. I am thinking of buying the other two but am afraid I won't be able to sell them. Are they worth 300 each?
From what I can work out the F100 is a great camera but not as desirable as the F6 which seems to have somewhat of a cult following.

I think $300.00 is an excellent price for a new unused one for your own purposes but I wouldn't be buying the othet two ... interestingly B&H still have these listed new for $749.00!
Thanks Keith, I forgot about looking at b&H, I tried KEH but that site stopped working a while back. I always wanted one so i bought one. When I got home my friend said we should go back and buy the other two.
you can buy them routinely on ebay in like new condition for $175-200, but it might be worth the $300 for the warranty...
The camera kicks ass, as you know. Whether you buy another, it's your money so it's hard to advise you. If you're looking to flip them average used price is around $250, so you'd get your money back anyway. It matters to percieved value if they have the triangular rewind fork or the straight one, the straight is better. Two F100's for $600 and a couple good lenses is a pro level film kit, imo. It'd be pretty hard to beat for the price. The 50mm f1.4G is perfect on an F100. Shutter's not loud either.
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thanks everyone, my buddy and I are talking it over right now. He wants one but isn't as free with his money as I am. We may go back tomorrow and buy the other two.
For sure F100 is a must-have camera if you don't have any film gear. At least about Nikon.
Amazingly fast autofocus and lens drive (kind of "brutal" in the sample I had a few years ago)
I'm sure you will find someone who can repay you for them. At least, get one for your friend
I bought an F100 as a film companion to my D300, so I can use the same AF lenses on each camera. I guess that's why I bought it--I already had two FE2s and an FA. Anyhow, it's a great camera! Don't mess with the custom settings in the field unless you bring along a list of the functions, so you can recover when you enter something you didn't mean to. You can go crazy trying to figure out why the camera won't do something it was doing fine 2 minutes ago!
The F100 is for sure a great camera.
If money is an issue, you may consider the F90X.
It is no slouch either and the price difference is huge.
I bought mine from KEH for 35 bucks...
If you're buying them for yourself, $300 is great deal for NIB. I would jump all over them.

If you're looking to buy the other two with the intention of reselling them to turn a small profit, $300 isn't going to leave much room at all. Not sure it would be worth your time.
F100 is a great camera, I use it in combination with my 85mm when I'm doing portraits, and with my 120-400 when doing nature.

My suggestion (if you can stomach the money loss) would be to buy the other two, and if you can't sell them, instead consider donating them to a local college that has a film photography program. You could probably write it off on your taxes as well!
Just bought one myself, mint boxed don't think a film has been through it even - £84 from a dealer with 6 month g'tee! :D

Not used it yet but up to the Severn Valley steam railway next week where it will get some heavy use.
I wouldn't buy them for speculation. While you can argue that new in the box condition makes them worth more, getting that price on resale is harder than it looks - I know, I've speculated a few times and I have a perfect eBay rep as well as on three photo forums.... And yet some dip on eBay will sell a beater for twice that... people are crazy.

It has to be a smoking deal, like $100 per, to be sure of coming out ahead. I see not new but still quite decent F100s for $150 often. The only camera that is a better deal is a $60 N80.... It's actually more of a marvel because they put so much into such a low price point. The meter alone is worth more - in practical terms - than all these fancy external meters that sell for 10x more, lol. Just buy it as a light meter!
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