RFF Upgrade

MP Guy

Just another face in the crowd
Staff member
Local time
11:12 AM
Jul 28, 2003
Over the next few days we will be performing some upgrades to RFF. This means that RFF may be unavailable at times. Also, once the system is up and running again, the look will be slightly different and some customizations will be needed afterwards. Please be patient while we work on improving RFF for you.
thanks for the update and advance warning.

is this the 'go buy a book' sort of downtime...or 'buy a mag' downtime?
oh well. will try some other time. it was going to take too long.
the software upgrade did not go as planned

so its back to the drawing board with the old software

and in the background we will work on the new software upgrade

Yeah...it's back to 'our old friend'.

Ain't broke - don't fix...!!


For security reasons (for example) you have to upgrade the base software from time to time. I assume that there are no patches available for this base software anymore.
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i thought computers and the internet were going to make our lives easier...

Imagine doing all this by snail mail and telephone ;) Upgrades are only somewhat easy when you stay reasonably up to date. Skip a few versions and you're in for a whole world of trouble. At head-fi.org they did a big migration recently that went pretty smoothly, and the new possibilities really enrich the experience. However, I get the feeling they have a bit more commercial support to leverage a bigger team to get this sort of thing done right.
Can't wait for the newer software
Progress is good.
From the small glimpse I had....I'm cool with it. New features, faster load time.
After all, the old software may not be supported anymore from the developer.
Good Try..
Sounds like a few late night coding parties are on the board. ;)