35mm summilux pre-asph @ f5.6 or f8 in colour


Local time
4:38 PM
Jan 12, 2010
I would like to ask for your advice. I have been reading heavily about the 35mm summilux pre-asph lens. Its look and strengths / weaknesses @f1.4 or f2.0 have been discussed to death in various threads. I happen to like its look for night shooting in B&W and am considering buying this lens.

However, I have not seen photo samples from this lens in more 'normal' conditions (ie: during daylight and at f5.6, f8 or f11). How is the lens at those apertures ? I would like something reasonably sharp and contrasty to take snapshots during the day, to be used in colour.

My question basically boils down to this: Is this lens 'dual-use' ? I am looking for something fairly sharp and contrasty during the day at small apertures (colour snapshots) and with loads of character at nightfall at wide apertures (mainly in B&W) ?

Thank you!
It is sharp enough for me. Don't think it is contrasty....which is how is like it.

Not sure what f-stop these pictures were take with but should be smaller than f2.8



yes - dual use ..................

yes - dual use ..................

hello tokyo
sorry, i'm a bit rushed, but did want to say that the lens is, IMHO, very much dual use. here are some two from a recent trip, usably sharp and colorful.
good luck

ps. have you looked here for other photos? http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49501


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About half the pictures on my site are taken with this lens. I had both a Summicron and a Summilux, but by f/5.6 they were effectively indistnguishable; the Summicron was better at f/2 to f/4; and the Summilux wins hands down at f/1.4. So I got rid of the Summicron. That was 20+ years ago. No regrets


This kind of thread costed me some money and is still costing me money!!
I bought a user 35 lux and really like what is see.
So, got myself a nicer copy of the same version =D
Here are some samples of mine. first few shot with provia 400x, last one with tri-x. all shot about 5.6 or slower.



I sold off my 1st copy b/c of all the flare discussion although the few rolls I took exhibited no flare, only soft "glow" at f/1.4. After trying the 35 Lux ASPH for a few years I came to conclusion that I preferred a more compact lens. I got lucky and found a really nice example of the pre-asph at a camera show. For me, getting the right rig involved a lot of trial and error. Now I hit the streets with an M7, BP Leicavit, and the 35 pre-asph.

Taken with 35 mm 1.4 Summilux with MP/M7 on Ektapress 160 ASA.

I find that between F4-8 is really the sweet zone for this lens.
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Gabor i told you 5 times not to take my photo ! :mad::D

i still haven't picked up another 35mm since i sold my Summaron 2.8 i miss it badly but now i'm very interested in the 35mm pre-asph Summilux too...

Lem ... what did ya say ? :p:D

if you can find one not to expensive try it but be warned, that lens is either love or hate ... ;)
I think it's very much like a good Summicron 35 stopped down. Here are some shots with the M8, mostly around f2.8 to 5.6 - here