Please Please Please


Local time
6:26 PM
May 31, 2009
help me. I am writing a college essay for admissions and I am trying to use a metaphor of photography to my life experience. I am trying to find something profound to say and a story to say.

I know a while ago (anywhere from a month to 10 weeks ago) someone posted an article about a photographer who had cancer and he used to take photos in his house, and as he got stronger he would get further and further out from the house. His pictures were quite eerie and were quite surrealistic. If you could help me i would really appreciate it.

o no, no, no. You guys completely misunderstood my intentions. I just want to see something as a source of inspiration to set a guide, i would never copy verbatim. I really just want to see his underlying philosophy. Does anyone remember what im talking about?
I have got months and months to write out my essay, its not like its just on a whim what to throw down now. Its a matter of getting a direction.
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No offense, but the college wants this to come from you and your experiences. This should be your work.

(From a guy that works at a college.)
I won't help with your tuition, but feel free to borrow some words...

"*****." [deleted to due to pangs of conscience and ethical qualms brought to my attention by Finder. Thanks, Finder. I lost my way momentarily.

Okay, you're on your own now. Good luck. Probably a good idea to cite an example of something concrete... an experience you had in taking or printing an image that somehow opened your eyes.
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BTW, I totally agree with Finder. I hope you won't simply pilfer what I've written. Use it for some motivation. Look within. After all, they're not going to admit me (been there, done that) and I'm not going to do your homework. Plagiarism is bad. Lightning will strike you if you get lazy about this.
Another thought: what's the equivalent in your life to this other fellow's cancer? Write about that. If getting sick and feeling death breathing at his back made this fellow change, what made you change? Might make interesting reading. Think a little abstractly. If you make pictures and hang out on this site, there's a pretty good chance that you spend time thinking in the abstract. Do it now. See what happens.

Read fast, becauise I'm deleting the earlier post! Too much help is a crutch.
LOL, I completely agree with Finder. Why are you asking us to write something about your life experience? And not only that, but you also are asking us to google and find an article on the web?

I'm sure you are perfectly capable of writing something good, even if it's difficult and may ruin your Friday night.

Now get started!
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o no, no, no. You guys completely misunderstood my intentions. I just want to see something as a source of inspiration to set a guide, i would never copy verbatim. I really just want to see his underlying philosophy. Does anyone remember what im talking about?
BTW, colleges are very good at running a search on the web to spot plagiarism. Both for material on web sites and in published works.
I have got months and months to write out my essay, its not like its just on a whim what to throw down now. Its a matter of getting a direction.
lol. one can be sure it will ruin a Friday night. As to the rest, Pablito, only time will tell.

Quoting Woody Allen from Annie Hall:

"I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. "

what makes you so sure?
When I was young and single and working hard I rang a friend and told him that I had to prepare a speech for my younger brother's 21st birthday and what I had so far was not so good and was he free for me to drop in on him. He met me a little nervously, indicating that he didn't think that he could help much as he hardly knew my brother. I told him that all I needed was to be there and spend some time in his company and this would be some sort of recalibration or inspiration and he relaxed. In the car on the way home, with no effort, I hit upon the right formula for my speech. This might be similar to what you're saying. But in defense of the majority view here, I will tell you that I will not even look at the liner notes for a new set of recordings of the Beethoven piano sonatas I was given recently, until I have listened to them at least twice and formulated my own views on the playing, first impressions that can never be my own if tutored by some authority. As advised above: look within. Good luck.
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What do your photographs say about you? Maybe the answer is hiding right there in plain sight.

One thing is certain: when I was your age, I didn't invest my summer Friday nights conversing with guys the age I am now about how to get into college. So, maybe you're already a step ahead of where you think you are. Assume that we're all cranky tonight because we're jealous that it's been a while since we were your age (heck, my kids are older than you).
Well, I think Rangefound has learned a very important life lesson here tonight: it's not always the best idea to be totally open, honest, and transparent when expressing ones intentions. ;)
Well, I think Rangefound has learned a very important life lesson here tonight: it's not always the best idea to be totally open, honest, and transparent when expressing ones intentions. ;)

Actually, it is.

But you may not like the results.