Voigtlander M 35/1.2 Nokton photos...

My First Wedding!

My First Wedding!

My First Wedding!
The couple seems happy with the result and they will recommend my service to their friends


Staying by the phone and waiting for the customers!!!
Great shots.

Is that actual vignetting or Photoshop vignetting?

Thanks Griffin -- It's actual vignetting. Both of those shots were at 1.2, I believe. So a little light falloff, perhaps. For post processing I just cropped and added a tiny bit of saturation boost.
Beautiful Michael ...Exotic, Foreign intrigue, Day to day Life and its Realities

Kodak Pro 100 & the 1.2 Nokton in Your hands Rocks !!
Michael, great photos. Just curious what your workflow is in terms of film processing, scanning and output. i.e. what do you use to scan, for post processing, and for your final prints (wet vs digital). Thanks.

Thanks for the comment.....

I have a local lab develop my film (c-41) and scan the negatives to a cd.......I have a flatbed canon scanner that I sometimes scan black and white prints that I make in my darkroom, and occasionally I'll scan some old negatives....

I do not do any post processing to my photos....

train ride, Myanmar...

cheers, michael
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