Interesting how the hysteria has died down

I wasn't even aware there is a forum dedicated to the X100. I'm pretty casual about reading forums. Most people, including me, have very little useful information to share anyway. But I'm still excited about the new Fuji. I'm hoping it's a success and that it prompts other camera makers to start putting useful optical viewfinders into their small cameras.

At present, I'm in a "wait-and-see" mode. I've decided to delay future camera equipment purchases (that means no more micro 4/3 equipment or APS-C DSLRs) until the X100 hits the market and gets put into use by other photographers. That doesn't mean I'm not still excited, I'm just cautious. The damn thing could be too expensive or a total POS. Or not.
Thanks for asking the question Roger, the diabolical film-slaying company will be pleased with the additional, six-month early exposure of their X100.

I still plan to get one, also because it doesn't look like a T90. And of course also (mainly?) because Cam considers getting one and I really like the pictures she's got in her Flickr!

Cam, I suspect that once the Canon people were done designing and had to come up with a model name for their latest, and given the looks, size and bulkiness of the ugly duckling, T90 really was the only option! :p

EDIT: think I'm gonna launch me a nice discussion on the X100 forum now, I got something up my sleeve...
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What's wrong with Russian tanks? People still love Kievs... (Ducks and awaits sh*t-storm). Seriously, I'm sure you're right: the retro styling was some way from irrelevant.



Oh, that T90.

Nah. The treads are entirely extraneous to photography and the extra tonnage would limit bag choice.

Why use the word 'hysteria' when people are excited? Is it because it is the wrong company who make people excited?

Because the person using the word perhaps has not thought through the word's etymology or the often unpleasant ways in which it has historically been used.
The styling shouldn´t have come as a surprise at all. Its not their first camera looking like this. Take a look at the Klasse W, even the flash location and relative size is so alike, that had it been made by another manufacturer it would be deemed a infringement of one or other copyright or patent law.

Oh, and thanks Roger. You just reminded me I´ve conflicting thoughts as to what to invest in Q1/2011. New skis, new camera or just more beer, when I go to Canada for a bit of a skiing (and photography) in February/March?
Your suspicion is wrong. Most literate Britons are aware of the pseudo-medical origins, and it is no longer regarded as being sexist.



Sorry, Roger, but your mere assertion is not sufficient to magically strip a word of many hundreds of years of usage. Language goes deeper than that. My opinion.
Damn... just as I was calming down, here is another X100 post. Now I can't eat, sleep, or obey my wifes orders because I'm going crazy. Please Fuji, help me. Oh,,, and that evil company Leica... bash bash.. When I have the cash.. X2.
I'm still hysterical about it. But I got a refill on my now I've got it under control.

Seriously, there's just not much more anyone can say. The thing got an incredible speculative examination in the first week and I think it's all about exhausted till someone actually gets their hands on one.
I find the reactions to the use of the word hysteria, hysterically funny. But that is probably because I grew up in Britain too, but haven´t lived there for three decades. And for your information, hysterically funny isn´t at all derogatory, its just an expression meaning that something is very, very funny. I was one of those initially very enthusiastic about the X100, and didn´t find Roger´s use of language at all insulting.

We are on an English speaking forum, but where a large proportion of the contributors have different native tongues. So please, do not always assume the worst and go overboard when someone says something that may be interpreted one way or the other. Its happened a lot lately.
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Presumably the devil forced you to make this analysis, though God Himself might equally have inspired the clarity of thought.



Web forums can be such soulless places. That's what emoticons are for. Forget one and you are branded a devil incarnate.
I'd be perfectly happy to see the thread closed. From my point of view it was an idle thought to see what others might think; displacement activity from trying to check some fairly tedious facts for something I'm working on (local petrol/gas prices, customs allowances, police corruption, currency regulations in the Balkan states, of which there is an ever increasing number). I am frankly astonished as the reactions it has evoked, which it really didn't warrant.

The original reactions just struck me as a feeding frenzy without any real food, but I see that a new thread has recently been started about making a 'rangefinder patch' electronically, so I guess that there are still plenty more fantasies still to be projected upon the camera. Certes, there was no sign of a rangefinder patch, digital or otherwise, in the camera I saw and handled at photokina.


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The original reactions just struck me as a feeding frenzy without any real food, but I see that a new thread has recently been started about making a 'rangefinder patch' electronically, so I guess that there are still plenty more fantasies still to be projected upon the camera. Certes, there was no sign of a rangefinder patch, digital or otherwise, in the camera I saw and handled at photokina.

Are you talking about this thread? I understood that more as a technical discussion of what would be possible, rather than one of what to expect from the X100 in particular.

I wouldn't read too much into these discussions, it's not much different from projecting things into the camera in question.
On The Other Hand

On The Other Hand

On the other hand, the original post did raise a point, which immediately got derailed by semantics. I suppose someone will now set out to prove the root of that word is something like 'seminary' and it has religious meaning which is offensive in certain cultures. But not in the USA this time!
I'll choose another word - or term for those who are literally minded. Try "feeding frenzy". I don't think it's gender specific or related to any particular time in British Imperial history so it will probably suffice.

I recall the rush of postings over the introduction of Micro 4/3rds, then there was intense speculation over the Bessa III for quite a long time, a flurry of anticipation over the Leica X1, now the Fuji X100 and in the middle of it all the Fuji GF67W which slipped off the radar quite quickly.

It seems that each of the successive announcements has produced less and less continuing interest as each one has come forward. I think the techno pundits are in overload and simply can't keep up the torrent of speculation and unsolicited advice to the camera manufacturers as each new model is announced, and then the informational black hole comes along and obscures any further data release. Short of inventing stuff, there's nothing more to be done.

My conclusion? Some people have too much time on their hands. I'm retired!
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I figure that Fuji is a canny company. The marketplace is topsy turvy at present. Maybe they have some magic formula, like take expected price as self reported by self-described potential users, multiply by 125%, and achieve maximum profit over the expected period of price decline (from release through to obsolescence). I'm sure they listen to the public, but are selective about what they acknowledge hearing.