35mm Biogon or 35mm Skopar?

Crazy Fedya, You will love the Nikkor 35 on the Contax. The incompatibility between Nikkor and Contax only applies north of 50mm.

Do you think it is better than Biogon ( I am looking for classic look in my images)?
Right now my options are Biogon for $430, Nikkor for $250 and Skopar for $450(I think). I lean towards Biogon, because it is Zeiss, that will go with my Sonnars and such.How is Nikkor compare to Biogon?Is Biogon worth twice as much image-wise?
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My Nikkor pairs nicely with my Summicron DR 50, but I have no experience with the Biogon. I think that if you bought the Nikkor for $250, and didn't like it, you could sell it for a profit. I've seen them advertised for a good deal more. I think it's a very nice lens. Others may disagree.
In the interest of full disclosure, I will say that I use the 35mm focal length for "walking around" photography and very rarely use it wider open that 2.8. Having said that, I don't remember noticing the focusing error ever. Also, like all "vintage" lenses, it's a bit flare prone into the light. I've been saving up for one of Tom A's excellent replica shades for it. I may be saving for some time.
I use a Voigtlander SC 25mm with my Contax IIa and I'm very happy with it. If I needed a 35mm I would get the Voigtlander now while Cameraquest has them.
Biogon 2.8/35 is an exelent lens. Sharpnes is sufficient to print on 60x50 paper (Ilford FB/Devere point light). Great front/back out of focuse image. Much better than my KMZ 56 J-12. No flare. I use it on my Contax IIa.

Front/back focuse test ect











Voigtlander prominent Nokton 50/1.5 at 2.8 on Contax IIa
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Like always, I am very happy I asked RFF's users about there opinion on this matter. Thank you, gentlemen, for your participation. I think, I will try Biogon and Nikkor. Later, when I get some more cash, I will consider CV lenses. At the present time, I am looking for older look in my photos, but who knows, what will happen later?
Right now, I am also considering getting a TLR. I am thinking about getting either Ikoflex with Novar or Tessar, or Rolleicord with Triotar or Tessar, but this is topic of a different thread.

Wonderful photos, especially third one.
Thanks, Fedya. Well you see what you will miss without original Biogon. I mean #3 :rolleyes:

ps All mentioned lenses are exelent. Old lenses gives this great retro look. 3D image. Zeiss is one of the best with no doubts.
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Congratulations, Crazy Fedya! Good choice, judging from Alex.bene's photos ( Which were all great, BTW!)
Also, if you look for a Rolleicord, go for the Tessar rather than the Triotar.
Biogon came in today. No caps, no case, some oil inside on the glass. Seller will issue $40 refund., bringing total price to $228.10. I think it is still a good price on 35mm Biogon Opton, even if it costs me $100 to clean it.
Also, I was able to pick up 35mm f/2.5 W-Nikkor C. I shot some film with both lenses, and now I will see which one I like better.