Can I see your best Street shot?

Paul, yes, I believe those kids were from Permian High. This was shot in downtown Dallas and there were several buses of them. Looked like they were on a field trip of some kind. Did you used to live in Texas?
Not sure about the best, but here a couple of recent ones.


Simply FANTASTIC. Rick
with the GRD 3 or ...?

Cheers- H
Simply FANTASTIC. Rick
with the GRD 3 or ...?

Cheers- H

Thanks, Helen. This was shot with a Lumix GF-1 and the Panasonic 20mm 1.7 lens. I sold the GRD, which upon reflection, was probably a mistake as I miss it so.

His name is Broderick, and he was quite a character, a really, really super guy. I passed him by, noticed his pose and came back and got off one shot before his body language changed. Then we chatted for a bit.
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i consider this one is the latest best...

Plastic Head?

At first, with only film camera in my hand, street photography kind-of-shooting is a logical choice. I went to street or wet market and hoping to have any odd-picture or nice street portrait.

This is unexpected and I love this shot, its a great catch.

Just for its SIMPLICITY, Grit & Sharpness

This is my favorite all time pic from you Helen. <3

[untitled] by lightcapturestudio, on Flickr

And this is a picture I'm fond of. I need to go back and reprocess the B&W conversion, but this was taken during my first stab at street photography. I loved this preacher's intensity on the street. he was yelling at passers-by at an art festival.
Well, like many others I wont say these are my best, as I don't think any I've made qualify. However, I like these for various reasons.






My reason for shooting street is simply that I will never beat it, it can't get boring. Landscape, flowers, portraits etc have far too much control in the process for me. I'm much too short in my patience to do that style of work, and to be honest it doesn't excite me anyway. Street photography is incredibly hard, I know I'll never get a shot I'm truly happy with, and that inspires me to keep trying. It's competition with myself, and nobody else. Winogrand said it best, something along the lines of including in the frame what he wants, and taking the shot when he wants, and not having to worry about anything else. I feel that way.

I don't think this is street specific, but it feels like to me, but I also prefer to shoot fully manual everything with no meter. I love to guess. I shoot digital but I never check my images until I offload them. If I could process film I'd buy an M tomorrow, but I simply cannot due to health reasons. With other styles of photography, I feel it has to be technically perfect. With street, it simply has to document the street. I like that documentary aspect.
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