Share your Epson R-D1(s,x) photos

rd1...they're small and they don't cost much...
But the moments they capture are priceless.

I had the RD1s for a short period. I really thought rangefinder photography was going to be where I wanted to go with my personal work. I invested in an R2a, RD1s, 50/1.1, 35/2.5 and 28/1.9 (I sold the 28 and pretty much permanently attached the 35 to the RD1s and the 50 to the R2a).

Turns out, I just couldn't get the hang of it. I had a hard time focusing and shooting. I guess using SLR's my whole life (I'm only 27, but still...) spoiled me a little or something.

BUT in the short time that I did have the RD1s, I really fell in love with the images. They're much different than any other camera I've shot with. I loved them and wanted to love the camera and the process, but in the end, I turned back to my SLRs for comfort. I do still use RF point and shoot cameras (Fuji Klasse is my favorite camera ever). Does that count?

Enough rambling. Here are a couple of images I shot while the RD1s was in my possession. Looking back at these, I think I should have given it another shot (no pun intended).


Mayesville, South Carolina
RD1s + Color Skopar 35 f/2.5


Twirling (My Beautiful Wife :D)
Mayesville, South Carolina
RD1s + Color Skopar 35 f/2.5


Chair (This is in the lobby of what was once the finest hotel around, now the whole thing is for sale for the price of back taxes, $731)
Mayesville, South Carolina
RD1s + Color Skopar 35 f/2.5


She's the One (The wife again. Bless her heart for putting up with my needs for a model to let me try out a new camera)
Mayesville, South Carolina
RD1s + Color Skopar 35 f/2.5
V nice Matthew. Nice B+W tonality, was that using PhotoRAW by Epson?

Here are a few of mine from the other day. STill amazed at the detail this camera picks up, especially in skin.



V nice Matthew. Nice B+W tonality, was that using PhotoRAW by Epson?

Here are a few of mine from the other day. STill amazed at the detail this camera picks up, especially in skin.

Thank you! These were all processed in Lightroom 3 actually. I never go used to PhotoRAW by Epson because I have my workflow and habits tied up in Lightroom, I guess.

Great images from you as well! I especially love the first image of the woman with the wine glass. Tons of detail and the lighting is superb! Well done. :)
Bye, bye. I'm going to miss contributing to this beautiful thread. The R-D1 will be finding a new home very soon, on the west coast of the USA no less. Good luck to they who will be taking custody of this lovely camera.
:D. What's next? M9?/p

Nope, nowhere near, sad to say :( I've just the one proper RF now, a fixed lens Royal 35-M. I'm going through a TLR phase at the moment, I'll roll with it for as longs as its fun. But if someone were to donate an M9 to me, I'd promise to use it :D
It's a Piper Dakota, we flew from Booker (High Wycombe) down to the Isle Of White and back again via Poole and Goodwood
