Sonnar Color!

Vic, when you are looking at your photo on Flickr, you'll see a little command bar right above the picture.

On the right, is a button that says "Share This".

Left Click on that, and a drop down menu appears.

Left Click on "Get the BB Code", and you'll see a box with the coding for the picture.

Below that, there is a selector for what size you want to use, so pick that first with a Left Click.

Then Right click on the code (anywhere, the whole thing wil go blue highlighted), and select "Copy".

In your post here, just Right Click in the message box, and select "Paste". The BB coding of your photo will then appear. You can use the "Preview Post" button below the Icon Selector Box to see if you got all the code pasted correctly. This comes in handy when you are posting multiple photos.

To post multiple photos, save all your "Copy"'s to a word processor. Then, when you are done with selecting what photos you are going to post, you just select all the code you have in the word processor, copy and paste to here. That's where the preview helps, because you can sometimes miss all the code, and it will show in the way the photo displays. If that happens, just delete the code you have pasted to the forum, and recopy the code in your word processor, making sure you have not left out any characters. Paste to here, and preview again.

Depending on what format you are using on the forum, your code may be hard to see (like if you are using VBP Graphite Xpand-White Font). Black letters on a dark grey background are very hard to see. But that only matters to you, as it is the last time you see the code before submitting your post. Or you can change the color of the characters in your word processor before you copy and paste, it won't affect the final output here, but will be easier to see.

Nice photos by the way.

FarlyMac, I can't thank you enough for going to all that trouble! I've printed it out and I intend to staple to my forehead! Oh, and thanks for saying nice about my pics. Also thanks to Crazy Fedya. I'm amazed at the color, but the ones I took today flared quite a bit anytime it saw the sky. Here are a couple more takes on that first picture from today.

Civil War Vets 2 by travlrs2, on Flickr
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Thanks, Sam. Did you mean the one with the shallowest DOF?
Andredossantos, I agree that it's probably not coated. Even a patch of bright sky makes it flare. On the other hand, I think it's post-war, and I thought all the post-war Sonnars were coated. It doesn't LOOK coated.
Should be easy enough to tell if it's coated. Is there a red "T" on the beauty ring (along w/"Carl Zeiss Jena", etc.)?

Thanks, Sam. Did you mean the one with the shallowest DOF?
Andredossantos, I agree that it's probably not coated. Even a patch of bright sky makes it flare. On the other hand, I think it's post-war, and I thought all the post-war Sonnars were coated. It doesn't LOOK coated.
Your lens is coated. All the later Contax lenses with Carl Zeiss on the name-ring are coated. The early West German Zeiss-Opton lenses were normally marked with a "T", but later the later lenses, including the ones marked "Carl Zeiss", did not display the "T".
If it just reads "Carl Zeiss", then it's a relatively late lens &, yes, should be coated (by that time, there was no red "T" because lens coating was no longer worth touting).

Many of those lenses had a problem w/lens element separation because of a change in the adhesive Zeiss used during that time period (can look a little like an oil slick starting @ the outer edges of the lens close to the barrel). That might account for part of your flare problem.

The lens says Carl Zeiss Nr 1445xxx Sonnar 1:1.5 f=50mm.
No "T".