Post Your Local Occupy Wall Street Protest Photos Here

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Local time
11:41 PM
Feb 19, 2006
October 6, 2011 - Philadelphia, PA
Nikon D5000, 35/1.8 DX shot "Yashica Electro/Rangefinder-style".
Part 1





These are some of your best photo's I've seen Nick. I wish I could add photos but I live in Squaresville USA so I have no photo's to show you. Charlotte is 1 hr from here & I haven't heard of any protest around. I'm really confused of what's going on here. To me it looks like a protest against corporate greed. People losing jobs, life savings, politicians benefiting (even the White House) from money laundering through big multi corporations.
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These are some of your best photo's I've seen Nick. I wish I could add photos but I live in Squaresville USA so I have no photo's to show you. Charlotte is 1 hr from here & I haven't heard of any protest around. I'm really confused of what's going on here.

Thanks for the kind words, gb hill. They're reasonably decent enough but protests are easy shoots. - they're certainly the most "traditional" stylistically compared to what I usually post. I think there are some similarities the biggest being, at its core, that there is frustration about the way things are going now and concern about where things are headed. Where the similarity ends is that the Tea Party is certainly against "Obamacare", it's a vehicle to express their hatered of Obama, want less government regulation, and lower taxes. The Occupy movement is certainly for improvement to the absolutely horribly and immoral health care system in the US, wants certainly more accountability for Wall Street, against corporate power taking over politics, wants the money spent on war and bail outs reinvested in the US and used to help the poor, and is against the ever-increasing disparity in wealth. I doubt corporate interests will be present with Occupy but there is certainly the possibility of unions pushing some funds there. I don't think the Occupy movement wants too strong an affiliation with the democrats. The Tea Party can be summed up in a sound byte: (less regulations, lower taxes...) But Occupy has a host of things they want to see changed - corporations out of politics, stop the redistribution of wealth to the rich, accountability for Wall Street. The similarity is frustration and anxiety in general. But I think that's where the similarity ends.
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pure joy to look at these photographs, Nick. It's just like beeing there and getting all those vibs. congratulations for this terrific work, cheers mauro
Great to see these pictures. Tells you how powerful a bunch of people can be with a marker and bits of cardboard :)

Just for general knowledge, protests are banned where I'm from so things just go on the way they are.
Oh - and by the way. Just thought I'd mention... Take a look at these pics. Like them, hate them how they're composed, whatever. They were shot jpeg with an entry-level compact Nikon DSLR that fit's comfortably in your hand and an average quality lens cheap modern lens (35/1.8 DX)... under $800 worth of gear. I took ONE camera and ONE lens - the ever versitile "nifty fast 50" with me in a small camera bag slung around my shoulder that has room only to fit a spare battery, second sd card, an unused UV filter, and lens cleaner/tissue. Also - all jpeg (shreik!) not RAW. Of course, every photo is PS'd a bit - colors contrast, etc... but shooting jpeg I touched up 50+ photos in an hour. If I shot these RAW I'd still be on my 10th pic and the output wouldn't be any better or worse...

Just sayin...
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Thanks for the great photos Nick. I hope others have attended or will attend protests in other cities and post theirs too.
Oh - and by the way. Just thought I'd mention... Take a look at these pics. Like them, hate them how they're composed, whatever. They were shot jpeg with an entry-level compact Nikon DSLR that fit's comfortably in your hand and an average quality lens cheap modern lens (35/1.8 DX)... under $800 worth of gear. I took ONE camera and ONE lens - the ever versitile "nifty fast 50" with me in a small camera bag slung around my shoulder that has room only to fit a spare battery, second sd card, an unused UV filter, and lens cleaner/tissue. Also - all jpeg (shreik!) not RAW. Of course, every photo is PS'd a bit - colors contrast, etc... but shooting jpeg I touched up 50+ photos in an hour. If I shot these RAW I'd still be on my 10th pic and the output wouldn't be any better or worse...

Just sayin...
No argument here on that end, using an entry level DSLR is fine. Plenty of people out there do it.
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Thanks for the kind words, all...
Glad you're enjoying them...

But - fellow photographers, don't let this thread die!
If one is in your area, get off your arse, shoot, and post!

Are you listening to me RFF New York members?
Why did it take a guy from Philly to post this thread?

And, yes, I'm calling' you out!

Oh - and PS don't say Wall Street is too far from where you are. I live in the Philly 'burbs, drove 45min to get there, couldn't park anywhere near center city so I walked 1/2-hour from where I parked to the protest (and back) and did this all before I had to go to work. No cop outs!

Double callin' you out, New Yorkers! (Or do you New Yorkers just buy cameras, talk and post about gear but not really shoot? - and yes, that's a triple call out...)
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We had about a dozen show up in Trenton on Thursday, no idea if they stayed -- two blocks from the Statehouse is not exactly an area you'll want to spend the night out on the street.
thank you all for the motivation: Being a Seattle 1999 WTO protestor (and survivor), I may just mosy on down to the San FRancisco Civic Ctr today and join the fun with my M9 and Yashica T4.
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