Post Your Local Occupy Wall Street Protest Photos Here

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thank you all for the motivation: Being a Seattle 1999 WTO protestor (and survivor), I may just mosy on down to the San FRancisco Civic Ctr today and join the fun with my M9 and Yashica T4.

Yes! By all means mosey! This would be a very cool thread if we got protest pics from everywhere! Philly, San Fran, NEW YORK (call out number 4), etc! Mosey, then post! Thanks!
I'm jealous--great subject!

the shots that stopped my eye were "i make no demands", and "when did socialism become a dirty word" the former my favorite, the latter with a great 1000 yard stare :)
I do get a bit of the feeling of being there. My favorite is the gentleman in set 3, holding the “When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power…”.
Stunning, Nick! You say it's 'easy', and yes it can be -- if you care enough, and if you're good enough. You do, and you are.


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Great stuff Nick!

I've been following with a bit of envy this week from NC, because this end of the state is too "red" overall to expect to see something like is happening in the big cities happen here.

Since I've posted here, I'll be subscribed and checking in to see what's new.
But where are the cats and coffee cups? And the bokeh would have been better with a late 1959 5-bolt late-engraving Summicron...

Seriously, these pics are superb. The faces and the placards; the feeling and the mood... Brilliant!


Very interesting images, Nick.

And if I may say something to the US citizens among you: be proud of those people.
Sorry, Nick. I've been down to the protests but didnt bring my cameras and did not take pictures. I had fun at the rally though it's just not the type of photos I like to take (I trekke 6 miles through the industrial underbelly of the South Bronx this morning so I'm definitely using my gear). Thanks for posting your photos, btw, they are great.
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I'm usually not in a rush to develop, so maybe Ill post some images from NY once I get through my bucket of film. Maybe sometime next year..
Nick, wonderful shots. I am really impressed with the superb portraits you captured. The kid with the gas mask and the girl with magenta hair are my favorites of the set.

(I stuck with a wide-angle lens today, but since I'm shooting film I can't keep up with you! I will post once developed and scanned. )

The police were pretty restrained today, and seemed to maintain a professional attitude. I hope that continues.

occupy austin was pretty thinly attended this afternoon. maybe a couple hundred people. texas-oklahoma game started at noon, plus it's been raining on and off all day.
On the bus back from Occupy Seattle. I shot street-style for a bit - nothing as good as what's been posted in this thread already - and then did some more portrait-like work. After all of the demonization, comments about the protesters being hippies and so forth the diversity and general levelheadedness of the crowd was impressive. People were talking comfortably with the police who were out in force and generally relaxed. There were a lot of different messages in play and not everyone approved of them all but there was a strong sense of unity related to corporate responsibility and political influence.

It was actually the way the media has been covering this that made me decide to shoot portraits focused on the diversity. Went out with no specific opinion of the about the protest but am definitely more sympathetic now.

Wall Street Protest ~ Westlake Center Plaza ~ Seattle, WA









The protesters have been camped out for several days, the size of the crowd ebb and flows during the day and evening and thins out with many spending the night. The mayor had threatened to remove the overnight protesters that are camping out but no action to date. About 6 policemen in the immediate area watching over the crowd.

Wow - I'm blushing. Thank you all for the kind words about this series... Much appreciated, thank you.
Photographers, please post to this thread... and get involved.
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Outstanding stuff, Nick!! Thank you for showing us what's going on out there. Super appreciated. You did such a great job of connecting to The People. :)
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