Things you never worried about...

Old equipment becoming obsolete when new stuff is announced. I can understand the price drop, but not the fact that a camera stops making images or a lens becomes unsharp based on news. Oh, and rumours can actually be as powerful as news in making stuff obsolete.

The flip-side of this is spending a small fortune on old obsolete gear (or processes) because of the way it renders the image vs. how that new stuff renders it.

Thankfully I got a *really* good deal on a Leica 50mm f/2 Summar with clean glass from 1935 recently, :D but have you seen the prices on Large Format Petzval lenses? :( I've yet to get a Petzval for my 4x5 or 8x10 cameras.
I started using the Internet in 1980.

I can't think of anything that I've read on the Internet that has made me worry about my Photography.
Getting pregnant.

I've been afraid of that ever since this movie...

Things you never worried about... ...until you read about them on the internet

Things you never worried about... ...until you read about them on the internet

-identity theft
-outliving my money
-Chinese drywall
-my hair thinning out
-my hair turning gray
-erectile dysfunction
-the size of my prostate
-the length of my penis
...and now, that my M9's high-ISO isn't as good as the latest half-ton blob from Nikon.

What a wonderful thing, the internet :rolleyes:
- buying the WRONG camera ... again
- having wrong film in my camera (and possibly wrong lens mounted) ...
- SLR lenses are not sharp ... (stay away from 'em)
- 6x4.5 is not 'good enough'
- camera with 3 lenses flash and tripod not fitting inside my jeans pocket
- rangefinder base being too short
- Leica M10
Things I have worried about

Lyrics curtesy of Monty Python

I'm so worried about what's hapenin' today, in the middle east, you know
And I'm worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow
I'm so worried about the fashions today, I don't think they're good for your feet
And I'm so worried about the shows on TV that sometimes they want to repeat

I'm so worried about what's happenin' today, you know
And I'm worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow
I'm so worried about my hair falling out and the state of the world today
And I'm so worried about bein' so full of doubt about everything, anyway

I'm so worried about modern technology
I'm so worried about all the things that they dump in the sea
I'm so worried about it, worried about it, worried, worried, worried

I'm so worried about everything that can go wrong
I'm so worried about whether people like this song
I'm so worried about this very next verse, it isn't the best that I've got
And I'm so worried about whether I should go on, or whether I should just stop

I'm worried about whether I ought to have stopped
And I'm worried about, it's the sort of thing I ought to know
And I'm worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow

I'm so worried about whether I should have stopped then
I'm so worried that I'm driving everyone 'round the bend
I'm worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow
the ever increasing inflation of leica's used market prices and the 'causes' of said increases.

I've already come to terms that I will never be able to afford another Leica lens in my lifetime...
the length of my penis
Dear Ben,

One of my editors made my favourite comment about those e-mails (which seem to be much less numerous than they were). She said, "Whenever I get one of these, I wonder what they know about me that I don't..."


I try not to worry about much - maybe my & my wife's health, but fear shortens your life & interferes too much with creative thought. Have a glass of wine & shoot more film!
The ultimate M, the M3 with its unsurpassable build quality and incomparable finder for 50mm.

The poor man's Leica, the M2.

The pre M4-2 hand-fitted Leica M bodies.

The inferior quality of the M4-2.

The defects of the Summilux 50 wide open.

Lens haze.

Shooting transparencies without a light meter.

Not really street photography.

Leica is all about the glass.


Never-ready case.

if not using IR-filters with every lens mounted on M8, photos are next to worthless. oh, except B&W, of course :p