Hexar AF GAS!!


Local time
12:18 AM
Apr 12, 2011

GAS has struck and the object of desire is the black Hexar AF. I use a Leica M4-P every day mostly with either 50 or 35mm lenses. Why on earth would I need a Hexar?
Because it's fun to have dfferent gear options. Moods and stuff.
^^^what he said. And IR based focus in available darkness, very clever flash integration (with HX-14), exceptionally quiet operation. And those are just some rational-sounding reasons.

Who says GAS has to be rational?

hexar is the opposite of an leica m4-p, fast, automatic, stellar af, stellar lens and results, king of one handed point and shoot, don't forget the nd filters to deal with the 1/250 shutter max (the only drawback of this camera imo, but no dealbreaker) the completely silent leaf shutter makes up for it. go for it
And make sure the half press on the shutter button locks the focus properly. (see numerous post here on the subject!)

GAS has struck and the object of desire is the black Hexar AF. I use a Leica M4-P every day mostly with either 50 or 35mm lenses. Why on earth would I need a Hexar?

Because it does things no one can do with a Leica...

I bought a silver one: they are several years newer... In general I prefer black cameras, but the silver HexarAF is really beautiful...

You'll enjoy it... To comfortably use that great f/2 lens, get both: ND8 and ND64 filters.


A take everywhere camera for $400 seems like a great buy to me. A lot less to worry about in certain environments. I wish I had one.
Well the Hexar was shortlived - I put 3 films through it. And discovered the AF/shutter button, counter reset and film transport problems were all present. This despite asking specifically ofg the owner. (He was v apologetic & refunded - tho had originally claimed camera worked fine even tho he later said he'd never actually used it!)

The experience of using the cam was interesting. The AF seems great and a lovely lens. I put some Tri-X and some Hp5 through it and the negs were contrasty and well exposed. In 'stealth' situations I'm not sure how much better the af is than zone focussing, but it certainly worked for immediately capturing a moment.

The big question now is - do I find another? Does the ageing electronics of these cameras, the lack of technical support and the hit and miss nature of finding one without problems put me off? Gas tends to evaporate somewhat once the object of desire is ones own and I'm not sure if that's what has happened. Perhaps I'd be better off investing the same cash in a Canon 50 f1.4 ltm lens for my Leica?
Did you see the one in the Classifieds?

it's only my impression, but I believe in general the AF lasts well, compared to the RF, and there is good expertise around. People like Greg Weber repair them in the US, and I've not heard of part problems for the common faults, while the shutter fix is of course fairly straightforward.
Yes, as I say I'm mulling... Also import from US or countries outside EU means payment of VAT (at 20%) on purchase price, so will probably restrict myself to looking closer to home.
Hexar AF

Hexar AF

I encourage you to find a good one and buy it.
It is my very favorite camera (I have many). A dream to carry about and "snapshoot" and the lens is supreme.

It is a beautiful camera also, second only to the Polaroid sx70 in good looks.
Mine is now covered in (British Racing ?) Green leather ! and I also had a leather "everyready case" made for it that I use now and then.

Easy to love this camera too much ! !
OK Dave - I suspect you're right. After all these were the suppositions I made before buying the cam. BUT... with hindsight wouldn't that Canon 50 1.4 add to the Leica kit I already have rather than diverge from it?
Anyone care to make the case for the Canon lens over the AF?
Just as an aside -

I just bought the one in the classifieds a couple days ago.. Sorry! I'm sure another one will pop up. I see them on here from time to time.