NYC Trayvon Martin Protest


Camera hacker
Local time
11:47 AM
Jun 14, 2004
A few nights ago (April 10) I was in Manhattan, walking up Bowery, towards Astor
and just as I passed Cooper Square I saw more than ten vans from the
NYPD Tactical Response Unit speed through the intersection down St.
Mark's Pl. I ran up and found that a few hundred people were
marching down St. Mark's protesting against law enforcement dragging
its feet in the Trayvon Martin case. I followed them down St. Mark's
towards Tompkins Square and caught up with the front of the parade of






After they went into the park they all quieted down and there was rumor
of a mass of arrests to be made. I didn't follow them further into the
park (I had to get home to medicate an ailing rabbit) but on my way
back west I saw a few protesters carrying their signs folded up and
heading away from Tompkins Square. I didn't hear about any injuries or
any further word on arrests.
This march occurred only a few hours before the formal charging and arrest of George Zimmerman.

Phil Forrest
Zimmerman is charged with murder, that type of case takes time to develop esp with the FBI involved. I think we like to protest.
Nice work there, but I don't get why people in New York are protesting an event in Florida? Now I can get the protesters in Sanford Florida marching on police HQ, but it does appear that way too many New Yorkers have way too much time on their hands.
I agree. This has the potential to become analogous to the 1992 Los Angeles riots depending upon how the case unfolds. Almost 20 years ago to the day. There is already a lot of angst built up across the nation with the economy and frequent protests from the Occupy movement galvanizing so many causes into one giant statement about injustice.
While I will not side either way in this particular case, as I'm not a juror nor have the evidence available to make a judgment, I do sincerely hope that Zimmerman gets a fair trial and regardless of the court's decision, the country can remain peaceful in their protests.

Phil Forrest
Nice work there, but I don't get why people in New York are protesting an event in Florida? Now I can get the protesters in Sanford Florida marching on police HQ, but it does appear that way too many New Yorkers have way too much time on their hands.

Well, protesting is hip right now in NYC. Also, people come from all over to protest in NYC... it's not just people who live here.

Nothing wrong with having too much time on your hands... that sounds like a good thing to me.
Protesting is a great way to meet chicks! least...from what I recall from my protesting days.

And also a great way to take pictures! (...keeping it to photography and all.)
keep it to photography folks...

Sorry Joe, I didn't mean to make this into a political or racial discussion.

On another note, this is what can be done with the 21mm SA f/3.4 and a modest ISO of 800 on the M9. If I desaturate I'm sure I can get a few more of the images looking a lot better but I'm trying to collect a few more color shots for my portfolio to balance the overwhelming number of black and white images.
I hadn't intended on shooting a single digital image that day. I was carrying the M9 just in case some spot news came up. I DID get a few more images on Tri-X with my M4-P but those will have to wait until I get back to Philly.
I wish I could have gotten closer with that wide angle but I was ordered to move by police several times holding zip-tie cuffs. I've had to use those before and was cuffed with them in training back in the Navy. They are not comfy.

Phil Forrest
I think we like to protest.

I agree. Living in west Philly this case actually gives me a little bit of concern considering some of the protests, flash mobs and many Philadelphians' distrust of law enforcement that has been an issue in the last few years.

Phil Forrest
Sorry Joe, I didn't mean to make this into a political or racial discussion.

On another note, this is what can be done with the 21mm SA f/3.4 and a modest ISO of 800 on the M9. If I desaturate I'm sure I can get a few more of the images looking a lot better but I'm trying to collect a few more color shots for my portfolio to balance the overwhelming number of black and white images.
I wish I could have gotten closer with that wide angle but I was ordered to move by police several times holding zip-tie cuffs. I've had to use those before and was cuffed with them in training back in the Navy. They are not comfy.

Phil Forrest

I like my 28 Cron for a wide in NYC.

I generally avoid mob scenes, especially when volitility and emotions can easily erupt and get out of hand (both police and protestors).

Experienced a bad situation where police in riot gear exerted brutal force clubbing innocent bystanders because they had to display a show of force to establish/restore order because they were severely outnumbered when they surrounded and suddenly stormed a crowd.

Anyways a picture is not worth getting my head caved in or getting arrested. Came too close to a brain injury, and almost got arrested a few times though...

Phil a couple of weeks back here in Manchester, UK I came across some Trayvon Martin protestors. Nothing on the scale of yours, just a handful, but I took some shots, shown here, all with Fuji X100.


