Leica LTM Getting E39 Filters onto a 35mm Summaron (SOOGZ?) or Stick With A36?

Leica M39 screw mount bodies/lenses


Local time
11:48 AM
Jan 2, 2012
I have recently picked up my late grand fathers old gear and I have to say it is a bit of an emotional experience, both handling historical gear and since it apparently runs in the family.

I have a 50mm Summitar and 35mm Summaron, I do mainly black and white and I like landscape shots but have put off buying any filters since I have been far too busy handling film anyway but I feel that the time has finally come.

Now, I realise that my lens selection is not the, well, "easiest" to use with modern filters. I know I can get a SNHOO adapter copy from Heavystar for a reasonable amount of cash, but the Summaron is a different beast entirely. I am yet to see a SOOGZ adapter offered by anyone, and given that I haven't seen an original SNHOO adapter for less than 100 USD I am guessing that the SOOGZ won't be any kinder on my budget.

I really need some advice here, the only hack I have managed to figure out is that for the A36 filters that are standard for the Summaron there was a converted to the Summitar filters, then from there you could use a Summitar to E39 converter (I think it is called SOOTF) and probably be able to use E39 on both the lenses.

Do you think I should try to get both of the lenses onto E39 using the above hack or be patient enough to get a SOOGZ, or maybe I should just suck it up and accept that my gear is somewhat old and just acquire A36 filters?

Thank you all in advance, the post went a bit long as always with me.
The A36 filters are really nice and when you pay attention 100 dollars go a long way... Might be possible to buy 5, 6 filters for that.

Should you ever run into an underpriced adapter: the filters sell easily for their originally paid prices.
The A36 filters are really nice and when you pay attention 100 dollars go a long way... Might be possible to buy 5, 6 filters for that.

Should you ever run into an underpriced adapter: the filters sell easily for their originally paid prices.

Thanks buzzardkid, would you recommend trying to get filters here on RFF or head into the wild (EBay)?

About my little hack earlier, I think it could be done for about 55 USD, SOOTF ~40 USD and SNHOO copy ~15 USD. Which would be cheaper than the SOOGZ for about 100 USD. No idea why a SOOTF is so cheap compared to the SHNOO and SOOGZ.

Still, that won't give you the filter itself and that should be enough money to buy at least a A36 filter and probably a Summitar filter as well. I'll do some more research to see how expensive they both are.
Getting filters here (or placing a wanted ad) would be best I guess. eBay is full of trophy sellers, although you might be able to pick nice filters for nice prices on US only sales.

I'm not in the know with all those adapters but the A36 filters are nice, they stack nicely too so are easily brought in the bag.
Can't you also use 34mm screw-in filters on the Summaron?

Using my ruler on the Summaron it looks like the screw-in diameter is actually 22mm, I haven't spent more than a few minutes digging info on this type of filter but so far I can't really come up with much.
I'm really confused because my 35mm f3.5 Summaron takes 39mm filters and as far as I know I don't have an adaptor or anything like that...?

Just to shed some light in the dark:

SOOTF: enables to use 41mm Summitar filters on lenses that can use 36mm clamp-on filters;
SOOGZ: enables to use 39mm (modern) filters on lenses that can use 36mm clamp-on filters.

Since you don't have a lens suited for 39mm lenses, the best way to go seems to buy some Summitar filters with a SOOTF. If you however prefer to buy 39mm lenses you can do the following to use them on both you summitar and summaron:
1. Buy one Summitar filter with detachable filterring (so not the pressed glass types);
2. Buy the other filters as 39mm with detachable filterring. For use on the summitar you can exchange the glasses from the 39mm filters to the Summitar filterring (they fit since I did this when I had put an IR/UV 39mm filter glass in a Summitar filterring when using the Summitar on my M8.2);
3. To make use of all your filters you can buy either a SOOFT or SOOGZ since you can exchange the glasses in the filterrings both ways.

I wouldn't advise to buy the SNHOO which is for using 39mm filters on a Summitar, because in that case you can't use your filters on your Summaron.

For for ´completness´ sake:
SOOQR and SOOEY are for use of 41mm Summitar filters on a 39mm lens;
FOOXH is a filterring withhout glass for 39mm filter glasses.
My impression is that a SOOGZ can be found for a reasonable price with some patience. (Which is never the case with the authentic SNHOO.)

39mm filters are the most practical path for you. Plus, you can get modern multicoated ones.

Original Summitar and A36 Leitz filters aren't very expensive, but why carry two different sizes?
Alternatively, you can hunt for Argus C3 filters, which are 19mm and screw into a Elmar and early Summaron (later are modern 39mm). Age and quality vary, though. The neat thing is that you can get to the aperture tab with them in.

I went with a SOOGZ, since I have the A36 Elmar, a 2.8/90 (39mm) and a later 35 Summaron (39mm).