Wide Open Portraits / 50 'ASPH Lux

Ok, Ok, Summilux 50 asph...

I dare You

Face in a Crowd

Moody Sydney
Wow Michel, very nice.

It seems like that approach would have been easier to work with - placing the subject at a further distance? Looks like you have alot more wiggle-room with the DoF that way? For example there doesn't seem to be any risk of half their face being out of focus, you could probably even have the entire body in focus if you got it just right...

Wow Michel indeed. That black and white shot is a killer.


I went through your pictures taken with the Summitar first, both film and digital, then those on other threads and finally your flickr site.

You are at home with both film and digital, having great talent to turn out well composed, well processed pictures with beautiful tonality.

You deserve all praises. Bravo!


Thank you so much, guys!!! :)

about placing the subject at a further distance - to be honest I didn't think so much this way. I also have very close lux wide open portaraits: