Lightmeter fault in M6 TTL


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Local time
8:30 AM
Jun 11, 2006
Ok so the other day I got a nice sf20 flash for my leica M6 TTL...I found some batteries (curse you CR123!) and popped the flash thing I noticed in TTL mode was that the iso was not matching up with my iso on the camera...aka when I had it at iso 25 on my camera the flash was reading 400. So i popped off the flash and began to meter my office. I got a fairly accurate reading at 400 however when I changed it to 1600 I got the same bloody reading!! Well I packed it up to my friend who is a local repair guy in this country (NZ) and he tested it. He said it was fine and siggested I buy some high quality batteries. So I did and sure enough....the same fault.

Has anyone had similar issues with their m6? if sowhere would be the best place to send it for repair? (im dreading having it sent to Germany)

oh well better start looking for a backup camera